Whoop 'Is Ass

493 26 15

Outside of the chat room

*You grab the same metal bat and wooden stick that you had before, though this time, you would attack more strategically.*

*You peek out the window one last time, but this time, Daigo catches your glance, but stays quiet. Though his silence was drowned out by his eyes yelling out to you. He seemed to tell you the same thing he did before. "Don't do anything stupid"*

*And again, you answered, "no promises" After closing the curtains, you take a deep breath. You were ready, like you said, you were prepared for every possible outcome.*

*Slowly, you place your hand onto the knob of the door. Readying your bat, you yank open the door, and jump outside, dodging the large sack that you predicted was going to hold you until you were taken away. Next, you swing for the back of the figure's knee. Losing his balance, he drops Daigo, who is tied up in chains. You swiftly dive and catch him, then lay him gently onto the ground. As he tries to get up, you give him another good whack on the back of his neck, making him collapse again. But just before you can give him the same punishment he gave you and Daigo, you here "MMPH!! MMMPPHH!!" Turning around to face him, you see Daigo glaring at you. You couldn't hear his words, but you definitely felt them. "I told you, don't do anything stupid." You give him a confused look, then your face softens as, you drop the bat. You then assist Daigo in sitting up, then remove the chains from his, body. After the removal, you transfer the chains to the shady male's thin body. By the time you had completely freed Daigo, and tied up the kidnapper, the police and everyone else had arrived. You let out a sigh, wondering what took them so long.*

Police: Excuse me children, but we'll take it from here.

You: *Steps out of the way of the officer* I already took care of it.

*The Officer looks at the chained up male in surprise*

Police: Y-you did this?

You: Ya, he hurt my Daigo, so he got 'is ass whooped.

Police: My goodness, he sure musta taken a beating from you

You: Nah, I only hit 'im twice.

*Soon you realize the other's standing behind the officer.*

You: And what took you guys so long?

Valt: Sorry, the police caught up to us and they were askin' questions

Honcho: Yup, so we were late

*You give them a look that says "That's a lame excuse, but ok" The officer, puts hand cuffs on the man just now waking up, the first things he sees are you and the officer. You give him a severe death look while saying: "Don't ever lay a hand on my Daigo, or I'll whoop your ass even worse." He shakily nods as the officer stands him up and begins to walk him to his super cool police car. Daigo stops him for some reason though.*

Daigo: Wait, before you go, tell me something.

Shady man: Sure, what is it kid?

Daigo: You couldn't have been the guy who told me to stay away from Y/n, if that's the case, than who was it?

Shady man: it was the boss, he payed us alooota money for us t' bring 'er to 'im

You: Wait, weren't there two of you guys?

Police: Now, that's enough questions, the police will handle the rest.

You and Daigo: Alright

*After all of the ruckus ends, you and Daigo go into your house then snuggle under the covers. Everyone else goes home and wakes up the next day completely in tact and safe. You and Daigo slept in that day, still holding one another tightly. Finally, you decided to get up and go fix breakfast.
Daigo notices immediately that you were released from his grasp and asks why. You respond by telling him that the two of them have to eat. He then sits up and tells you not to worry about it. Giving him a confused look, you watch him as he goes to the kitchen and begins to take out dishes. It takes you awhile, but you finally realize that he wants to cook for you. You smile gently at his chivalry, then sit down and wait to eat.*

While eating with Daigo, you discussed taking him somewhere to teach him Karate of somethin', when he asked why you just gave him a look that said: Do I need to tell you? He nodded and you sighed. "You need to be able to protect yourself and get out of bad situations." "Uhm." "I won't always be around to protect you. If something were to happen, I don't know what I'd do." You gave him a sweet smile while tilting your head. "Please?" He sighed. "Ok, but only for you." And so, Daigo took lessons and got really strong. Somehow, he didn't get super buff, but you liked him just the way he was. The police finally found the other guy who knocked out Daigo and he was arrested. You and Daigo grew up together and rarely ever fought. After getting happily married, you had two kids. Two girls named C/n (child name) and C/n, and the two of you lived happily ever after. YAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!! HAPPY ENDING!! (Or so you think)

Textin' wit the Beyclub Daigo×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now