Ch.8 - Awaken Me

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A/N: Thanks so much for all the reads and votes! And thanks for the support coming from you guys it really makes my day! ❤️ More chapters to come! Also do I make the chapters too long? I type on an iPad and I know it's different when reading on a phone, please let me know!


"Cut the ropes!"
"No! Wait!"

Darkness. The sweet sense of nothing brought a new level of fear in me. It's worse than anything I've ever felt before. I was completely lost, like I was trapped in a never ending nightmare. Blood slowly begins to drip from my fingertips, making my skin feel cool and sticky. A death like chill suddenly strikes a great deal of pain in my heart. I cry out and arch my back as my body continues to float. Tears leak out of my closed lids upon feeling the new awful sensations, that only fuel my desire to claw at my skin. What's happening to me? The last thing I remember was running away from the goblins and then I was suddenly falling. I open my eyes for the first time in awhile and breathe in deeply. An unexpected scent makes me jerk back and I search around violently. Someone else is here.

"I was wondering when you would come visit." A feminine yet raspy voice calls out with some mischievous laughter.

The darkness suddenly rushes past me, creating some wind that sends my hair back. My bare feet slowly touch cool tile and the new white chamber catches me off guard. How can something so dark, turn into something so beautiful? I glance over my shoulder in shock and see a long, never ending hallway. Dizziness soon starts to kick in, causing me to clutch my head. Low chuckles make me tense and I turn back around to face the source. A tall being wearing a black hood, hovers a few feet from the ground. A large staff is resting on their lap neatly as they sit in a criss cross position. Dark hair gently flows out of their hood but the rest of their features are hard to make out. I take a hesitant step forward, hearing my own movement echo.

"There's no need to be frightened child," a pale hand reaches out to me and it surprisingly looks normal, "I am merely a... guardian of sorts." She lifts her head up enough for me to see the big grin on her face. I take a step back, not sure how to proceed, "Looks like you were in a nasty fight." She gestures to my outfit full of dirt smudges and blood.

I ignore her statement, "What is this place?" I cough due to the dryness in my voice and lick my lips, "Who are you?" Her smile fades and she begins to play with the tips of her hair. She hums quietly and I take a few more steps forward. "You said you were some kind of guardian, right?" Her hands come to a halt along with her internal song. I kneel in front of her but place myself onto my bum, fidgeting with my fingers. She's not gonna kill me is she? If so, I'm practically defenseless.

"I only appear to those that, shall we say, want to make a deal." She sits down on the floor and places her chin on her palm, "One deal that can be made at anytime but can come with a heavy price." I hum in response and nod, feeling interested and terrified at the same time. "I'm more like a witch than a guardian. Although, I never stick around after a job is done and I have more skills than any magic caster."

Gandalf enters my train of thought but quickly vanishes, "Why am I here?"

She raises a hand and sways a finger from side to side, "No interruptions dearie, I'll get to that." Her body floats back up and she continues, "The deals I do always come with a price. For instance, if you were to tell me to kill someone then you would have to give something up." She chuckles darkly, "But it can't just be anything, it has to be something of equal or greater value. I'm the judge of wether it is or not." A few hushed whispers make my ears twitch but I don't dare move. "There's something I need to show you." She grips the staff on her lap and gently taps the tile with the silver crystal on top. The floor begins to melt away and I move back with gasps, expecting to feel myself go down. However, I stay put and I realize the tile simply changed its appearance. I grumble at how ridiculous I acted just now and peer down at the changing scenery.

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