Ch.16 - Emotional

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I breathe in deeply and continue to sob into Thorin's neck, letting everything is spill out. He continues to stroke my hair gently, covering my body from the eyes of everyone else. There are a few hushed whispers surrounding us but his strong arms, make me feel safe. I sigh heavily once my whimpers begin to die down and take a peek over his shoulder. The first thing I notice, is all the Dwarves huddled up together, some crack a smile while others simply nod.  Torches are held over their heads and beyond, showing the large crowd trying to pile in. I freeze at the sight, not sure if they're here to capture me as well. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" The masters panicked voice sends a chill down my spine and I cover my face. If he finds out I'm with the Dwarves, they'll be in trouble for sure.

"We caught them stealing weapons, sire." I'm suddenly yanked back by my hair, away from the arms of Thorin. He shouts angrily and tries to retrieve me but a few guards come to hold him back. "And this one is that woman you wanted." I hiss in pain when he places my arm behind my back, stretching it.

"They're enemies of the state, no doubt." The Master says suspiciously, looking them over and then moves his gaze to meet mine, "As for you-"

Alfrid cuts him off, giving me the same stare full of lust, "Shall I escort her to your chambers, sire?" I struggle against the guards grip and Thorin does the same, roaring things in Khuzdul. Alfrid takes a small step back, shifting nervously and stares up at the Master. "I doubt she'll be any trouble."

"Why don't you let me go then?" I growl, exposing my teeth even though they're not my canines. "Then we can see, how long it takes for me to rip you apart." My tone is low but loud enough for only those around us to hear. They only act tough because there is a crowd watching but I can't forget the fact, that they tried to put me in a cage. That alone, tells me they feel safer keeping me locked up.

"She's just a worthless criminal like the rest of them, sire."

"Hold your tongue." Dwalin steps forward, showing no signs of fear. "You do not know to whom, you speak." He says menacingly, "They're not common criminals." I arch a brow in confusion but keep silent when the guard pulls at my hair again. Dwalin sharply turns to face me and his fierce eyes are simply terrifying.

I'm suddenly pushed forward and stumble into someone's arms. I relax at his touch and realize the guards let us go, thanks to Dwalin's intimidating nature. Thorin keeps me steady and focuses on his companion, who is still defending him. I bite my lip nervously at all the attention and rub my head gently. Real men aren't supposed to grab hair in a fight.

"This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!" Dwalin states proudly and Thorin leaves my side to join him, nodding. Mutters begin to spur within the crowd, some good and some bad. "And she!" I jump in surprise when Dwalin reaches out for my waist, being as gentle as possible and places me to stand next to Thorin. "Is the daughter of Lord Thranduil!"

My eyes widen in surprise and I take in a sharp breath. He said that without any kind of rage or hatred. Like, I still belonged to the Company, despite that cruel fact. Thorin takes my hand, squeezes it gently and steps into the center, before the Master of Laketown. He stands confidently like a King would and speaks with power radiating off his voice. The scene before me is breathtaking but at the same time, terrifying. If this is how he shows his pride naturally, what's going to happen when the Dragon Sickness strikes? I gulp as my mate continues to speak, making the people around us cheer on occasion. Not to mention, he still doesn't know what's wrong with me. If this continues, I'll only feel guilty about taking this away from him. Now I truly understand why my mom left us.

"Death!" A new voice shouts, "that is what you will bring upon us! Dragon fire and ruin." A taller man pushes past, staring Thorin down while trying to sway the crowd, "if you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all." Part of me wishes to protect Thorin from this newcomer but there is some truth to his words.

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