1. Escaping the Zoo (New)

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I hate it here... It's same routine every day ... the come, they go, they leave... those eyes watch my every move... occasionally meat is thrown over the large ditch around my enclosure by a zoo keeper, and just for their entertainment they would watch me run out hungrily... and yet sometimes... it doesn't always make it over to my side... I also hate it when those human teens would throw their empty drinks and food rappers at me to get my attention... sometimes even rocks... they shout something along the lines of do something stupid... yeah, I hate it here...

I was raised behind fences. Separated from my family, once I was old enough to survive without mothers' milk, to a different zoo. I was tired of this confinement I wanted to be free, and I was going to get that, I was going to be free.

...But first I need a plan...

One day, I was counting the number leaves that were left on a tree I sat under, crumbling the dry ones in my paw. That's when something collided with the side of my head. I glance over the fence to see two teens. The jock mocked me making some rude gestures while his plastic attachment laughed.

Grumbling I picked up the balled-up paper glaring at them. That's when I noticed, it was a map... a map of the zoo. I rushed over to my little hidden spot within the out of the view of onlookers. A small space I dug out under a rock and the roots of a tree. I uncrumpled the paper and studied it. There was a body a water not to fare from the zoo. I knew this because I could here the sound of waves and smell the saltwater.

I knew I couldn't go inland where I would soon be found and sent back. I needed to get across the ocean... somehow.

That's when I noticed, they have a shark tank... I nervously sweat, They are the only animal in this zoo that could swim far distances. Its worth a shot. Maybe they would be nice and want freedom as much as I do. I sat there contemplating my options. If they eat me then it's over... but I was determined. This hyena will be free no matter the cost.

That night after careful planning, I made my attempt to escape. First, I covered my white fur with dark brown mud to help me blend into the shadows. Then, I went to the fallen tree at the edge of my enclosure. I new this day would come and have been preparing for my escape. My body though a bit on the thin side had muscle. I lifted on end of the fallen tree on the side of my enclosure. I dragged it to the edge of the ditch. Although not long enough to make a bridge, it was long enough to climb.

Pushing on end down allowed me to use it like a ladder to safely climb down. Then using more strength to move it to the other side seemed more difficult as I my hide legs grew cold in the freezing mucky water with rotten food and trash. Once on the other side I panted in exhaustion. But I'm not free yet.

Quickly I reapplied some mud to my hind legs and went to, going to the edge of fence, I dug and tried to pull myself out from under it when a light started to shine from behind a corner. I panicked; the security guard was coming. In my struggle I managed to get free but it the fence left a gash on my back. Whining and whimpering quietly to myself I scrabbled to get away running on all fours as blood poured and mixed with the mud.

Once I knew was far enough away, I sat down and checked my map wincing a bit in pain. The shark enclosure was just down the path. Memorizing in I made my way there.

That's when I reached the large tank and froze in fear as the moon cased a large shadow over me as it swam by. I to a large gulp and inhaled sharply. Well... I made it this far. Exhale, lets do this. 

(Zig and Sharko) Zig x reader (pause)Where stories live. Discover now