Chapter Nine

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     Midnight came quickly, and I got tired fairly quick. I stood up and stretched out my legs and yawned.

"Sleepy?" He asked, a simple smile on his lips. I nodded.

"C'mon," he said, standing up and  grabbing my hand loosely.

      Gerard walked me to the bedroom, the futon already set up for the night. Gerard had pyjama pants already layed out for me, so when Gerard had left the room to grab some CD to put in the music player, I  pulled those on, and took off the t shirt I was wearing to reveal a tight fitting grey tank top. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash the runny makeup off my face. I made sure to leave the door open, because unfortunately the thoughts hasn't gone away completely, and I didn't want to do anything stupid.

     I didn't want to hurt Gerard.

     Gerard came back when he found the CD he was looking for. David Bowie's "A Space Oddity." When the CD began to play, I we layed down together. Gerard pulled me into him, and my eyes drifted shut. I fell asleep to Gerard singing along to the album.

~Gerard' s POV~

    Juliette fell asleep with her head buried in the crook of my neck, her breath deep, and calm. She is so beautiful. Even when she slept, I mean that in the most non stalker sounding way possible.

Her hair was messy, and scattered across the pillow, and covered most of her face, but in the the dark room I could still make out the outline of her nose, and lips.  The blanket was at her hips, and her tank top was hiked up, showing her belly button, and a few faint scars. I sighed. How could someone so beautiful feel something so....ugly?

      I thought about the kiss we shared the other day. God, I want to kiss her so badly. I want to kiss her as much as I can every single day, but I don't have the guts to ask her out.

      She turned slightly, laying on her back, but still very close to me.  I looked at her for a long time, taking in the details of her face with the stripes of moonlight that flooded through the window.

"I know you're you can't hear this......and I'm too afraid to tell you while you're awake yet so.....Juliette.....I love you.....I love you so much...." I whispered. I kissed her forehead very gently, and then allowed myself to shut my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

~Juliette's POV~

     I woke up earlier than I expected to. I felt.....happier this morning than I normally do. I'm smiling even. Gerard was still asleep, so I didn't move. I didn't want to wake him up. He looked so cute when he slept. I mean....he looks cute all of the time, but still. After an hour of laying in bed doing nothing, Gerard woke up, so I pretended to still be asleep. I wanted to scare him.

"God, you're beautiful," he whispered, barely audible. I stayed still, kind of shocked that he would say that about me. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you," I said at a hushed tone. Gerards eyes widened slightly, and then he spoke again.

"I-I thought you were still asleep..." he said shyly, his face turning crimson.

"I was gonna scare you, but you don't deserve to be scared. You deserve a hug. Thank you for calling me beautiful, Gee," I said, and wrapped my arms around his neck, embracing him in a warm hug. He giggled a bit, and then we both got out of bed and started breakfast. A nice, calm Saturday morning is really what I need right now. (Spent with Gerard, that is.)


Shitty chapter, I know, but hey, it's one am and I'm hungry and tired as fuck. Gonna try to start working on this book again, because people seem to like it 😊 thanks guys ♡♡

                                       -Juliana Faith

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