Joy of Creation|•Repost•|

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Alright how should I start this...

I should probably start by saying this isn't about the game The Joy of Creation.

It is currently 3 in the morning, usually the prime hour when my brain decides that instead of sleeping I should think about life for some bizarre reason. Anyway at this fine hour I started to think about my roleplays, ocs and just writing in general.

I want to start this off by letting everyone know that this isn't targeted towards anyone, simply just my thoughts and how I've been feeling. Please do not take any of this offensively or think it's just one big complaint page because it's in no way meant to be that and I don't want anyone to feel bad or feel that they are forced to change their look on me as a person, writer and or roleplyaer.

So.. at the beginning of summer I have never been more excited. I thought not only do I get to have a much needed break from school but all this spare time will finally allow me to be more active on social medias, Wattpad and YouTube specifically. I was already planning on what books I was going to make, what new ocs I would possibly create and so much more. Obviously I was more than thrilled and I'll explain why. Ever since I was a kid, I loved to day dream.

Whenever there was the slightest bit of opportunity to just zone out I would whether it be during class, during homework, while having conversations I just couldn't stop my mind to drifting off to something else. Most things I would think about would be cartoons I would watch on TV, (at this age I was obsessed with cartoons which also sparked my desire to draw but I'll talk about that in a later chapter) but soon I started to create. I would make up stories in my mind, dream about different worlds and mythical lands completely distancing myself from the boring world around me. My mind was my escape from the stress of school and family. My creativity allowed me to be anything I wanted to be, travel to where ever I'd want to go and when you're a 7 to 10 year old kid trust me your imagination never stops.

So at what I believe to be 13 years old I started to write down my dreams, daily and nightly ones, so that when I forget them I could look back and see what the mini story was about. And that is what inspired me to start making stories and ocs. Just the thought of forming awesome stories with characters of my own design was incredible to me and to this day I love doing it. I love writing, I love making ocs and I love roleplaying with others.

I see roleplay as not only a chance to play characters of your favorite fandom but as a chance to test your original characters with others and see how they would work with others in any given scenario. I see roleplay as a fun opportunity to improve your writing ability and I know that I probably sounds like an old English teacher but that's how I see it. So you can tell how excited I get when someone actually wants to rp with me. To think that somebody would actually take the time out of their day to check out my Ocs or Roleplay book is just mind blowing to me. And I know it probably isn't such a big deal but to me it's the greatest feeling in the world. Just like when someone actually starts roleplaying with me and gives a long lasting rp.

For example I made Alphonso, the Oc shown on _Aiva-Song_ account, owned by Official_Hana_Song . I helped her make the Oc because she thought he would be a perfect fit for A.I.V.A's backstory, her Oc. I didn't make Alphonso because I had to, I created him because I wanted to. I chose to take the time out of my days to brainstorm and write down possible facts about him, I chose to spend hours on the internet looking for the right pictures and the right gifs to fit his appearance and the scenarios because it's something I love to do. But sometimes I feel like people don't fully understand how much I put into every character I make.

I've actually been scared to talk about this for a while now. I don't usually open up and share how I feel because I'm afraid of how people would react or what they would say plus I don't like worrying people so normally I keep things to myself but it feels really good to get this off my chest. So if anyone actually bothered to read this horrendously long and cringing rant I thank you very much and I hope this doesn't change your view on me. Have a wonderful day and never stop dreaming


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