* Interactions *

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Hola chicos! This is just a little question to all of my roleplay friends/followers. I haven't been roleplaying lately due to school taking up most of my time, not being able to come up with interesting roleplay scenarios and people not really interested in my OC. But literally just now (2 am because I'm a night owl) I had a really great idea.

Usually when I haven't roleplayed in a while my skill depletes, obviously because I'm not able to practice. And a great way to practice roleplay is by writing. I know many people aren't interested in my fan story about Scarlet so I was wondering, would you guys be interested in me writing different interactions with Scarlet? As in, Scarlet meeting different characters and seeing what would happen.

So let's say Scarlet suddenly met Mei or Jesse. I could write a single chapter about their interaction, if they argue or if they become friends. Things like that!

All you guys have to do is request.

You can request which characters she interacts with (OCS ARE ALLOWED! Just leave some information about them so I have something to work with like personality, traits, ect.)

You can choose from:

Child! Scarlet
Army! Scarlet
Los Muertos! Scarlet
Talon! Scarlet {Rosa}

"I want an interaction with Child! Scarlet and Junkrat!"

"I want an interaction with Talon!Scarlet and my OC, [Oc Name]! Their information is in my book."

This book could help me push through my writer's block so I can make roleplay scenarios again, it could also help introduce you guys to Scarlet so you can get a better understanding of her personality. And who knows, maybe some of you would want to roleplay one of these one shots ^~^

Sooo... Are you interested?

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