Chapter 1: Summer Time Starts Here! part 3

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 A blond headed girl poked her head around the crack in the old wooden door. Her eyes darted around the room curiously, narrowing at how untouched it looked. She creaked the door open just a little more, getting a bit more of her body into her best friend's bedroom

"Ma~~~rco~~~?" She whispered a bit louder, creeping closer to where the bed was. "You awake?"

The lump on the bed didn't answer, tucked under the dark blue sheets of the twin sized bed. To her, it somewhat looked like he was a bile of pillows tucked under sheets. But then again, he usually curled up in his sleep when he was having a bad dream.. But then again, this could be a trap.

"Suspicious..." She mused quietly, rubbing her hand over her chin in a thinking manner, her wand in her other hand at her hip. Shrugging finally, she took her steps back to the far wall. "Eh, what could happen?"

She took a running start from where she was and jumped belly flop style right onto the mass in the sheets. As soon as she came into contact with the bed, she realized her mistake. Instantaneously, there was a loud laughter sound coming from the ceiling as a mass fell right on top of her back. 

"Haha!" Marco shouted, still in his sky blue matching pajama set. "I have officially outsmarted you in surprise attacks, Star."

Star laughed as she rolled over and pushed Marco off the bed, sitting up so that there pink boots were touching the floor by his face. 

"Yeah, that was pretty good." Star teased.  "I still thought it was pillows though." 

"All right, sure. Sure." The brown haired hispanic laughed as he sat up on the ground and crossed his legs. "But you still ended up with me winning that bet." 

"Cause there was a no magic rule."

"Yeah, cause I don't have magic. Makes it even."

Star thought for a moment, crossing her pink and red stripped leggings as she thought about what he was saying. Shrugging it off, she jumped up to her feet in front of him and accidentally getting him in the face with the skirt of her ruffly mint green dress.

"So, what do we want to do today? It's the first day of summer after all and we just finished off taking down Toffee."

"Don't make light of that Star." Marco sighed and stood up, crossing his arms. "I thought we lost you forever."

"Nonsense." Star waved her wand in the air. "You could never loose me forever Marco. Who would be your best friend if that happened?"

Marco didn't respond. She looked back to find him looking even sadder than she had ever seen him. Guess this was how far she could make light of the matter. Thinking fast, she smiled gently at him and waver her new butterfly wing wand and poofed him into his regular red hoodie, white shirt, jeans, and red and white sneakers. 

"Come on, mom and dad are waiting for us for breakfast. And I really want to see how she reacts when she finds out your mom has made pancakes for breakfast." Star gushed as she grabbed him by the arm. "Then after, we can go on an adventure to your world with your detention scissors and see how long it takes for everyone to notice that we are gone." 

Marco sighed as he let her drag him out of his room out into the glittering castle walls. She had managed to transport his room to Mewni and into a guest bedroom so that he could stay there for the summer. Which, actually here on Mewni, was actually more like a full year than three months. 

He couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong when he descended down the staircase and into the massive dining hall where Queen Moon and King River were already sitting beside each other and making small talk with Marco's father Rafaei about his interests. The teenager didn't even notice when he was sat down at the middle of the table across from his father and next to Star till he could smell the pancakes being placed on his plate. Looking up, the whole table was looking at him with worry.

"Are you sure you're okay, Marco?" Angie asked, placing a hand on her son's shoulder. "You can talk to us if you feel like you need to."

"Nah, mom." He assured, putting on a fake smile. "I'm okay." 

Star, though the whole of the time they were eating and making talk about what the worlds were alike and different and how they were all very fortunate to have such wonderful children she was stealing glances at Marco, found herself worrying worse. After all that had happened to them during the whole school year, she didn't expect that Marco would be taking this so hard. It wasn't like things were going to get worse now, were they? Was he self doubting like he usually did when they went on adventures and she usually had to bail him out of the horrible situations that she got him into? What could she do that could cheer him up. 

Her pocket phone vibrated in her star purse, cutting off her thoughts. Slipping it out and checking the text, she grinned wider than she thought she could. Janna's name was so familiar that she actually almost cried a bit in happiness that something normal was happening, not like breakfast wasn't normal enough.

Yo girl, what up? Enjoying hanging with the parents?

Not really. Though we fought Toffee and won.

Dude, sweet! You go uber super powered magical girl on his scaly hide?



What about you? What you up to?

Getting ready to head out to Organ. I'm going to be up at Gravity Falls for a few days to visit my older cousin Wendy.

Gravity Falls? Who names a town that?

Well, it's actually a weird place full of monsters and supernatural stuff. Wendy told me about something called Weirdmogedon that almost happened end of the summer. Wanted to check this place out. 


Star thought for a moment about how weird it was that people would name something that when in actually gravity doesn't fall, just things caught by gravity. Then she got an idea. Making sure that no one had noticed yet, the blond haired princess quickly typed on the compact phone. 

Hey, you think if I take Marco with me, we could meet you there?

Sure girl. I'll be up there in a day or two so yeah. 

Perfect. Cause we need to cheer him up.

What about just sicking Jackie on him? Aren't they a couple? Isn't that her job to comfort?

Star mad a disgusted face. As much as Jackie was cool, she was totally not letting her get in the way of something she was trying to do. After all this was a best friend trip, not a let the best friend do it alone while confessing all their feelings to their girlfriend trip. 

Nah! This is a thing I need to fix.

Sounds chill girl. See you later then. Here's an address, about the only one I could find. See if the scissors can get there before me.

A few seconds later a link to something called the Mystery Shack came up on her screen with the address and the hours of being open right underneath it. Smiling she gave a sideways glance to Marco, who was silently eating his food. There was no way that this wasn't going to work.

It just had to.

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