16| A great prom..... maybe

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Chapter 16: A great prom..... maybe

"You don't have to be sorry about it! It's fine! But thanks for worrying." Ross shout at me sitting in his couch.

"But why did you brake up? It doesn't seems normal..." I questioned. Stupid question Laura!

"Normal? No it was fine, is just...... I told her that I was having second thought about our relationship." I could see the puppy face that Ross did when he was lying. I don't believe in this for a sec. I know there is something behind it! And I'm going to find out about it! Whatever is my business or not!

Ok I might be exaggerating! "You know I love you and I want to be here to support you but you need to tell me the truth ok?" I said and his face lit up.

"I told you all! There is nothing more of the story!" said a sulky Ross looking to my face frontly. I looked in his eyes making a look of I-don't-believe-in-it.

"I want to go back to her! I want to go back to what we have! Laura, believe me there is nothing more!" he said wanting to sound truthfully.

"Ross, I know there is because..." he looked scared at me. Clearly now he could not deny it. "I saw a message that Maia sent to you saying that something happened more than what you told me!" I explained.

"Oh." he simply spoke. "But I didn't saw that message!"

"I cleaned." I whispered.

"Why? Laura, clean the message won't take my problem away!" he argued letting me speechless. I felt his tears even if they weren't there. Ross was about to cry. He is so hurt, he won't make it if Maia doesn't came back to him.

"Ross, just calm down ok?" I tried my best to put him in a better humor. But he kept the unstable humor he was on.

"So what happened that took your relationship to fall apart?" I asked sitting myself next to him on the couch.

"Can we not talk about it?" he looked in my melted eyes and I hugged him in comfort.

He hugged back and we laid in the couch. Just when I am in his arms I remember how I missed them. His warm breath touched my neck giving me chills.

He laughed and I could feel his big true smile laid in my shoulder. I pulled away and leaned my head in his shoulder too.

"You know you can trust me, right?" I informed him so he understand.

"I know, is just too complicated." he explained.

"I bet it isn't and you are just making some big deal out of it." I said and he nodded.


"When does your family arrives?" I asked to his saddy face that really needed to lit up.

"I don't know, maybe 6 in the afternoon." I looked at the clock that pointed 3:00 pm. It was Thursday, tomorrow, my classes were over and prom was that night.

"Ok then why don't we order some pizza and see a comedy." I proposed.


The pizza had arrived. Ross was in the kitchen making popcorn so I got up and took my wallet to pay.

"Hey." I said to the man, took the pizza and then paid.

When Ross entered the room with popcorn, I put the pizza on the small table and we laid in the couch after Ross putting the CD on the videoplayer.

"Pizza?" I asked taking one of the slices and biting it. Ross was staring at me with a melted smile while I devorating my pizza. I was starving!

"Am I doing such a figure?" I said a bit embarrassed.

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