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and i will follow where this takes me

And my tomorrows long

to be unknown

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How was your physics test? Mama asks on the other end of the phone.

Um, I say. Bad.

She laughs. I'm sure you did fine. You always do.

It's still bringing down my average. I want to drop it, I grumble.

Sor, she says gently. I've missed her gentle voice. Sor, darling, you can't drop something just because it's difficult when you know very well that you can get do well in it if only you put more effort. I know what you're capable of, and I know you can do it.

She's right, I know. I'm averaging at a B for the term. I want an A*. And she's always told me there's nothing I can't achieve if I work hard.

If it was a subject like art or history, I wouldn't push you, she continues. You hated those.

I was pathetic at those, I reminisce.

But you've always been brilliant in the sciences, and you like physics. If you're getting an A* in chemistry, you can get it in physics, too.

Discipline, I remind myself. Pushing boundaries.

Her words ring in my head, though, even after I hang up.

y o u  c a n ' t  d r o p  s o m e t h i n g   j u s t  b e c a u s e  i t ' s  d i f f i c u l t

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