#1: Distraught

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POV: Sath Black (male)
Written: July 24th 2017

Before I start this off, I'm not sure if I'll be switching between perspectives because there's so many parts in this I'd need to do that with... anyways enjoy! And also i have a dark mind not a dirty one ;)

I sat against the dusty ass wall of the ally as Rose and Reza rambled on about starting the business. "For your information I found three assassins, thank you!" Rose retorted sticking out her tongue.
"And I don't care, god, don't we have a mission to go on miss pouty pants! Let's hurry before they leave" Reza shot back. I stood up and wrapped an arm around Rose.
"Shut up hoes let's go kill some bitches." I groaned almost bored half to death.
" amen, except ew, god. So like so Satan word that's like amen but to him" Reza rambled
" why don't you just fucking join a cult Reza?" Rose teased raising a brow
"I like wearing blue, and ew people" Reza replied.
"Alright hurry up hoes" i said pulling Rose off, Reza rolled her eyes with a groan before walking after us.

We walked up to this lady sitting in the park late at night with just the light of a street lamp illuminating her eyes as she scanned the book in front of her. "Great now we're killing old nannies for money..." I sighed in discontent. Reza air patted my shoulder, as her eyes glowed a golden hue. Her canines grew much longer and sharper. She licked her lips with her now long tongue.
"Sath? You ready for some fun?" Reza cackled in a now slight lisp. The vein's under my eyes popped out as my fangs grew, I was hell of a lot ready.
"I've been a little thirsty lately" I smiled. I ran to behind the bench at such a speed she only felt a light breeze. "Psst" I whispered to her. She dropped her book jumping slightly as she turned to me.
"A-a... " she began almost at the stage of screaming.
" don't scream, don't run. We just want to play" I said half way to laughing. What a cliche way of saying we're gonna toy with you before we tear you apart bit by bit and then your spirit will fly off into the underworld. My pupils dilating and un-dilating as I spoke. I looked over to a now fully formed wolf of a Reza. I then looked up to see Rose sitting on another bench reading a novel she had brought with her, almost taunting the lady. Reza ran over on all fours and bit into the flesh of the ladies leg, and just as the compulsion had been done she didn't scream, her eyes showing signs of being petrified, she had opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. She flailed her arms but could not run.
"Whatever you did to make our client so mad got you right here in this place. Karmas a bitch." I chuckled my eyes glowing in hunger, the lady looked up at me, her eyes pleading for mercy, as Reza teeth had dug inches into her flesh. Blood coating the pavement. I ran at my ever so lightning speed and ripped into her flesh in my own demonic way.


I tossed the once white towel into the trash can, after wiping off the last of the blood. Reza lay on the couch her arms crossed behind her head as her feet rested on the coffee table. Rose sat at the other end of the long black couch, her eye twitching from uneasement at Reza's unmannerable behavior. I sat next to Rose wrapping an arm around her shoulders she leaned her head against me as she watched the show currently playing on the tv. They were watching some Tv show with some girls in orange and some cheesy adult jokes. I leaned my head against Rose's and closed my eyes, I needed more peace like this. Just like so many years back...


Rose shook my arm a little, I opened my eyes to see her cobalt blue eyes staring back up at me as a smile had been collected on her face. She nodded towards the hall heading to our rooms and I nodded in return, we both got up holding hands. As we began to walk towards the hallway, The doorbell rung with a loud piercing noise, waking up Reza with such a jolt she fell off the couch slamming her head onto the coffee tables leg. She sat up rubbing her head. I let go of Rose's hand before walking over to the door. As soon I opened the door a small little girl fell on our floor, exhausted and distraught.

Rose rushed over to the girl lifting her up and setting her on the lounge chair and setting a towel over her from the large basket by the very chair she was placed on. Rose tucked her in before walking over to me hugging me, shoving her face into my chest and rocking back and forth. I rested my hand on her back and kissed her forehead.
"Can I eat it..." Reza slurred more asleep then awake.
"You're not eating anything Reza" Rose replied, her voice muffled by my shirt.
"Let's get to bed..." I said looking down at the red curls making their way around Rose's face. I heard a small 'k' and she released the hug, I took her hand and we walked down the hallway to her room.


I opened my eyes to a bright warm glow falling in from the large window behind Rose's bed. I was laying back down with Rose half way on top of me. Her face was resting on my stomach as her arms entangled themselves around me, her hair sprawled out ever so gracefully. How did she do that? Her clothes on the other hand weren't too graceful, she wore a silk night gown, colored of Rose gold. One side was pulled high on her side and the shoulder of her dress had slipped off that very shoulder it was supposed to be placed on. Her dress had been turned in her sleep as the side sow had been resting near her belly button. She stretched placing a hand on my shoulder as the other propped her up. She looked up at me, her innocent eyes looking at me with a smile pasted on her lips. I put my hand on her cheeks and kissed her, a little warmth resided in my tummy but I ignored that.
"Morning LOseRs!!!!!!!!" Reza said bursting open our door. Rose jolted upright, her back against my leg. Little pants of shock still leaving her body. Rose was nothing to a short girl, in fact she as tall as most guys. She had long red curls she usually straightened and pulled up in a ponytail. Rose got off the bed and began looking for a outfit for the day. Reza left leaving the door open. I sat up and schooched back leaning against the wall. Rose searched vigorously for something in her scarf bin.
"You should wear the white lace one" I suggested. She looked over to me with a smile and nodded. Her outfit was soon lay out. A white scarf with a blank long sleeve shirt cut short around the stomach, I think it was called a crop shirt or something... a pair of black leggings and a white skirt. Her boots lay by the door with 2 inch heels, laced up to the knee. I clicked on my phone and watched some random show while she got dressed.

Later we went into the living room where Reza was sitting on the couch staring hungrily at the child. "Rose why can't I eat it?" Reza groaned.
Rose rolled her eyes and continued towards the kid. She tapped her small bony shoulder and the kids big blue eyes opened.
"Hey... you came to the door last night... what were you looking for?" Rose asked.
" a home... I ran away from the lady I was with, my foster parent... she's the reason my brother is dead... and maybe I would be dead soon enough too, if I didn't run away..." the kid cried, "im sorry for intruding I just didn't know where to go... my name is Ellie... I'm 8."
"You can stay here as long as you'd like, Ellie."
"Um Rose! The thing that we're doing..." Reza butted in.
"We could always train her to be an assassin as well..." Rose reasoned.
"Yah, Reza. Plus the kids lost" I added in. Reza rolled her eyes in discontent, before rolling over on the couch and stuffing her face in the leather cushion.


Damn, while writing in his perspective, I get all tense and I get this resting bitch face. Via I'm trying to think like him... I'm not used to writing in a guys perspective, so if you see girly actions by him, he's not girly I'm just not good at being a guy... also he's not particularly supposed to have much emotion so that's why he seems so bland.. he's not bland, he's my most developed OC, I know everything about him. Up to this favorite Starbucks drink and the last dream he had. Anyways I hope you enjoyed! And yes there will be more of a plot development... <3

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