part 26

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"Happy birthday,"Brett whispered.

Alexandra turned over and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Thank you,"she said with a smile.

"What's our plan today?"he questioned.

"No plans at all. I'm off to school and then back home,"she shrugged.

"Let's go out for a date,"he suggested.

"Really? Where would we go?"

"We could have movie night, just us... Or we could go for a night picnic in the woods, it's a full moon tonight,"Brett said.

Alexandra sat up on the bed and looked down at him.

"Why don't you pick and I'll see you when I get back?"she smiled with her hand caressing his cheek.

"Deal,"he cupped her face in his hands and leaned up to kiss her lips.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever had,"he said.

"Very charming, Talbot. I need to get to school,"she climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

"Come on! Missing parents, suspicious guy on horseback, magic bullet. Who's coming with?"Stiles questioned as he faced the group sitting around the table near the courtyard.

"I promised Brett I'll stay out of anymore of this,"Alexandra said as she motioned around the group.

He glanced at his sister.

"Really? Me?"she groaned in protest.

She turned to Alexandra.

"I can never say no to him,"she pointed at her brother.

"I've got to retake my photos anyway,"Malia said.

"Yeah, not interested,"Lydia shook her head.

"I cannot miss anymore classes,"Scott said.

"Scott,"Stiles turned to him.

"I missed thirty eight last semester, and Lydia's mom is the only reason I'm still in school,"Scott shrugged apologetically.

"Eden,"Stiles called out again.

"No,"she said firmly.

"What did I tell you, Stiles?"she scolded.

"You know what? Forget it, I'll take Liam,"Stiles shrugged.

They turned to the courtyard where Liam and Hayden were making out on a bench like there was nobody else around them and it was just the both of them there.

"Take him,"Alexandra nodded.

"Yeah, I'm not taking Liam,"he heaved out a sigh.

"Hey, can I get a candid?"

"Uh, no,"Stiles answered.

Eden pulled Stiles anyway to sit down beside her and turned to the camera.

"Okay fine. If you can tell me why this is blue, I'll let it go,"he pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Scott.

Alexandra glanced down to see a piece of broken glass glowing blue under the sunlight.

"Just look to the camera,"she turned his head.

"Everyone smile."

Eden wrapped her arm around Stiles and smiled wide as the camera light went off, capturing their last few moments in high school.

The bell rang and Alexandra climbed off the table.

"Alright, I got to get to class. No funny business,"she pointed at Stiles.

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