AU 3

24 5 0

Split - King
Phantom -silent, strong, prince
Gwendal - snobby prince
Twitch - prince who'd rather be a jester
Snip - a prince who loves being the dungeon torturer
Fang - a vampire prince who acts as a watchman at night 
Argit - piratey prince
Wild - messager
Glitch - legendary nightmare monster
Bandit - Prince who'd rather not really live the royal life
Becky - Princess' maid but is forced to work for the evil princes. She is also the cook, baker and transportation
Cleon- evil king that has his own uprising kingdom who had betrayed King Olivan and is constantly at war
Sarah- princess that is imprisoned by King Olivan, whom rightfully runs the kingdom

Kingdom of Gothelanium
Or can be called just

Due to being at war with King Cleonius, King Olivan has his messenger go to the villages he had conquered and has him read a decree. "Ahem! All villagers, I come with a decree from the king! He asks for any willing participants to come serve him in the royal palace, and protect him as well as the princes whom also rule over you! You shall live within the palace walls and will be rewarded greatly for your services! Anyone willing to come forth, arrive at the palace at noon either today or tomorrow. You must be prepared to display your skills and abilities. That is all!" The messenger read aloud. He started getting ready, about to leave. What do you do or say?

Situation 2
Make it up. Must be detailed and something I can go off of.

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