Prince Nazo Changes

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So Prince Nazo is probably going to have a different name, if it's an ok one :/ and I will be telling you about him. Not everything. I don't want to spoil anything. His personality or quirks won't be exactly like regular Nazo's. I just want to point that out incase anyone thinks I'm playing him out of character.

Like Jerome but with Naz

Some facts:
-He's a bit humbled - since he's unable to be his destructive self, and is weakened by special means, he knows how the people not as powerful as him feels.
-less powerful - Well he's just as powerful as regular Nazo, but since King Sonic (my version) has control over him, his power level is controlled by King Sonic and Sir Shadow through special inhibitor rings.
-Tolerates and actually gives other people like him a chance. For example: if your oc has ever been or is being betrayed, isn't accepted for being different, etc. he will even tolerate or give you a chance if you're a level headed person who will hear him out when needed.
-unlike normal Nazo, he MAY give friendship a chance. After all, being far weaker with the rings on and feeling trapped all the time, what else is he going to be able to do? He has no one to talk to so, he may consider it!
-he may be able to change - he's more willing to change whether it be ideas, certain views, opinions, certain attitude he has toward others or your oc, etc. he may be able to lighten up and such. All depends on how he's treated.
-he doesn't care about formality - call him Prince Nazerome or just Nazerome! Doesn't matter to him. He also doesn't care about addressing others by title, though he may have to otherwise he'll be punished.
-he can appreciate things - unlike normal Nazo, he has to learn to deal with and like certain things. Since he gets so little of anything, he appreciates small things, no matter what it may be.
-doesn't enjoy fighting - used to always be willing, but his power of regeneration and just being super durable is contained, causing him to feel pain easily. Due to this he tries to avoid fighting and actually tries to talk things out first before resorting to violence.
-etc. so he's really different! He may seem cold, and distance at first, but you may be able to break through that tough exterior. ;)

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