Requested prompts bundle 1 - "I'm telling you. I'm haunted." - AC

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(Guastafeste - killjoy/spoilsport)

It was over. A sigh of relief. That feeling of cool wind after a lifetime of stifling heat. Abstergo was gone, and life was normal once more. It was a rather strange feeling for Demond, having his life turned over for years upon end, and then suddenly everything fell back into place. But he was grateful nonetheless. Everyone was alive, safe, and he got to live his life knowing he was part of something greater, looking at strangers with a new light, how very human they were - lives and emotions of their own.

Desmond decided to reapply for his job at the bar he worked in seemingly a lifetime ago, a little bit of familiarity to ease the soul. Eventually, he began to rent a small apartment on the quiet side of town, not much, but just enough with the money he was earning. So far, it was going well, and he was in the process of moving in, getting help from Shaun, Becca and Lucy - hell, even his dad was helping out. It felt like everything would be okay again, and plus, he had some badass new moves to show off with.

Of course, everything was so hectic at the time. They thought he had died, and Desmond had never seen them so distraught, Shaun's snarky demeanour shattered as he struggled to comprehend the situation, his dad, who he had never seen cry, was standing, just barely, tears silently flowing down his cheeks. But he stumbled out, and collapsed, the mission over. He'd been close to dying, sure, but that just served to prove his determination for the whole thing.
"I didn't go through all this shit to die." He muttered, before losing consciousness. It was rather funny to Desmond, thinking back on it, but none of the others laughed with him. Obviously, the idea of losing a good friend, or even a son is nothing hilarious, but everything had turned out surprisingly good despite Desmond's... Reminder. His arm, the one without a tattoo, had been severely burned, and he still felt pain in it every so often, but in honesty, he didn't mind. Sure, it was a bit unnerving to look at, but nonetheless it was a sacrifice, something that could've been his life instead.

He shakes his head, pulling himself from his thoughts. Right now, he was unloading boxes from the moving van outside, to be unpacked at a later date, or more specifically, when he could be bothered.
"You good?" Becca's face came into focus, a hand waving to catch his attention. She was grinning, albeit slightly nervous. Her jokes that Desmond had attained some possible brain damage from faceplanting the floor were not too funny for Lucy, who required him to get immediate medical attention. Desmond nods, smiling back at her as he takes the box out of her hands and stacks it with the rest.
"Was fine until I saw your face, why d'you ask?" He laughs, and catches a glimpse of her sticking out her tongue before she leaves to grab another box, music blasting through the headphones she always wore.
A hand set on his shoulder nearly makes him turn to attack, but he restrains this urge, what was it Shaun called it? A Pavlovian response? Yeah, something like that, technical and uninteresting in honesty.
"I'm proud of you, Son. I feel like I haven't said it enough, so-" Desmond turns, smirking slightly.
"Dad, it's fine. In fact that's all I've been saying since I got out of the hospital. I think my exit was too dramatic, you're a broken record." He laughs, and sees the corners of his fathers mouth twitch up into a smile.

"Are you sure you should be lifting all these boxes alone? I can stay and help if you like, I'm not entirely sure your arm is healed yet." Desmond lifts a hand, smiling softly.
"I'm fine, Lucy. Go out and have fun, you need it after all this." Lucy shares his smile, gently pushing a loose piece of hair off his face,
"I'm just worried about you." He's taken aback by the action, but he doesn't let it show.
"Same for you. Go have a good time, is Shaun going with you's two?" Lucy let's out a small laugh, shaking her head.
"Hell no, you'd think he's about twenty years older than he actually is! 'Don't be ridiculous, Becks! I've got work to do, I'm too old to be getting drunk like that.'"
Rebecca's impression of Shaun wasn't exactly accurate, but it was rather hilarious. Screwed up nose and over exaggerated frown which made them all burst into fits of laughter.
"Wow, you'd think helping save the world would warrant a drink or two. He really hasn't changed has he?" Des exclaims over the laugher that still bubbled up in his throat. He waves the girls off after that, and flops down onto a couch in the middle of a barren room.

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