A lil fluffy smut cause why not

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Y/N 's pov

Conor's sitting on the couch, black t shirt and ripped jeans. Standing in front of him, looking into his eyes, you took it in. His hair was curly, almost defying gravity, each strand placed on another, some gently flowing on his forehead, framing his cute little face. His eyes were periwinkle you got hypnotised by them. They were your weakness, the obsidian in the middle burned into yours, you felt a twist in your stomach, your pulse increased. The fabric of his top settled on his shoulders to show the perfect amount of skin and muscle underneath. It dropped onto his chest, tight against his body, his pecks slightly straining the fabric. The hem delicately finished on his hips, sinking into his jeans. His jeans were close to his thighs and has holes on the knees, his toned legs poking through. He simply sat there staring at you the same way you did. This took around 5 mins but it went by so quickly because it made you so happy. Just looking at his body. Admiring how amazing he was, the shapes, the colours, it was beautiful.

Conor's pov

She stood in front of me wearing an amazing red dress. It was casual yet so formal. She was staring at me, running her eyes down my resting body. I did the same. I never realised how perfect she was. He hair was just slightly wavy, it was blonde yet had so many colours in it. It was almost like watercolour paint brush strokes outlining her head. I could smell her perfume from here. It was delicious. Her forehead was delicate, beautifully proportioned, I loved placing kisses on it. Her eyebrows were perfectly natural, they shifted across her face swiftly. Her eyes, hazel brown with hints of gold and green. Like a beautiful rock you find at the bottom of the sea. They sunk into me. I loved it. My eyes started watering simply due to her wonderful beauty. I am so fucking lucky. Her lips were soft, red and plump. I wanted to kiss them so badly. Her shoulders were broad and toned, her collarbone was shining with the highlighter she put on them. It was so cute. The dress she wore draped over her breasts, outlining them beautifully you could see her cute nipples poking through slightly. Her waist was perfect, she didn't have a classic hourglass body shape, it was catered to her. So beautiful. Her hips sculpted by angels as the dress ended above her knees, her legs were shining in the low light of the room.

Y/N person pov

Trumpets by Jason Derulo started playing. This was your time. Conor started singing to it. It turned you on even more and he knew it did. You walked over to him so you were around a metre away, teasing him as he wanted the space between you gone. You took one strap off, then the other, removing sliding them down to the beat of the music.You threw your hair to the back of your shoulders. He smiled and kept singing. He replaced "I wrote this song just looking at you" with "I'm singing this song just looking at you". You started slowly taking your dress off, starting by pulling the fabric around your hips down. He stared at you with lust and sat forward with his hand crossed in front of his knees, his forearms resting of his thighs. You bit your lip as your bare boobs stated to show and both of you gasped as your nipples were out. He ran his hand through his hair and started standing up, still singing hitting the high note and closing his eyes to focus on it, nailing it as always.




"Sit down" you whispered. You wanted to give him a show.

"Please I want to touch you, don't you like it when I touch you?" he asked slowly

"This is a show Mr. Maynard, you can meet the cast at the end" You both smiled and he sat back. This was an inside joke as you both did drama and you were used to hear that at the end of performances.

Your dress was gone, you moved your hips, swaying them to the music, now "Marvin Gaye" by Charlie Puth. You turned around moving back towards Conor, pushing your bum out circling it around down to his hips, he gently placed his cold hands on your waist, you got goose bumps.

You stood back upright, facing away from him, and slid off your panties, "woah" Conor let out. You turned around and put your hair to one side bending down to kiss his lips. You tugged on his shirt and he removed it, showing his beautiful body you were aching to see bare.

You backed up and whipped your hair as "Trap Queen" by Fetty Wap was playing. He took off his jeans and boxers. You sat on top of him and kissed his neck feeling all of his soft skin against yours. It was warm and comfortable, you felt safe. He hugged you as you made out gently. You had been dating for three years and you still had the same amount of lust in your eyes as when you first saw each other. This proved to you that variety was one of the most important things in a relationship, especially when it came to sex.

He placed his hand down your back to your rear, massaging it gently. You circled your hips against his, desperate for some kind of friction. You were starting to drip on him.

"Woah baby you're dripping, I love you"

"Mmmm" He captured your moan with his mouth. His lips went back to yours, your eyes closed, you felt them twist into a smile as yours did. Slowly, he moved his hand down to your core, very gently drawing circles on it with two fingers. He took your second moan as a cue to slip his middle finger in. You bucked your hips as he played with you. He gently placed another one in and another one. Now pleasuring you with three.

"Is this okay baby?" He asked you looking into your nearly closed eyes, drooping with lust.

"Mmmmhmmm" You could barely answer, the knot in your stomach grew stronger as your breaths started to be heavier and your moans louder, you could feel his length getting enormous under you.

"I want you Con" You whispered in his ear.

"Okay baby" He took his fingers out slowly and replaced them with his length. You lowered yourself onto him not going all the way down straight away. He wrapped your legs around him and, still inside you, he took you to the bedroom, holding your bum for support. You rolled your hips around his cock not too much so he wouldn't drop you, but enough to not lose any pleasure. He lowered both of you, as one, onto the bed.

He started moving in and out, shallowly.

"More" You breathed

"Say it again baby" He said looking into your eyes, burning with anticipation.

"I want more Con" He moaned loud and he thrusted deeper in you. You kept going for what felt like so long, each second bringing more pleasure than the last. You both tried not to go at fast pace to be able to last and long as you could. After about 15 mins, you were both and moaning and sweaty mess, but it didn't matter.

"Go faster Con I'm close"

"Me too baby"

He increased his speed and the knot in your tummy was bigger than ever clenching the sheets, pulling the back of his neck closer to your chest, scratching his head; you let out a scream as you released on Conor, felling your juices all over him. "Oh baby you're so hot" he whispered as his thrusts became sloppier as he moaned loudly releasing into you. You loved feeling his cum inside of you, it made you feel weirdly closer to him. It made sex better. Precisely why you went on the pill. He slowly pulled out, went down and licked you clean. He lied on the bed on his side as you stayed on your back, he stared at you with lust.

"I want to marry you" He let out.

"What?" You asked, turning to him with a huge smile on your face.

He held your cheek and said

"Y/N Y/L/N, will you be my wife?"

"Yes Conor! Yes!!!" You turned him on his back, threw yourself on top of him and hugged him as hard as you possibly could.

"Y/N Maynard, I like the sound of that" You said, giggling.

"Me too" he said kissing you.

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