TWENTY FOUR | Broken Promises

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Mariah woke up the next morning with a groan. She slowly opened her tired eyes to find a shirtless Archie sound asleep. A light smile made its way onto her face as she looked at him. She rubbed her eyes and made her way out of his bed, careful to not wake him. She obviously failed.

"Hey, where are you going?" Archie mumbled groggily. "Uh, home." Mariah laughed. Archie sat up in bed and grabbed Mariah's hands. "No, don't leave," he complained. "I have to. I'm sure my mom is worried sick seeing as I didn't tell her that I wasn't going to come home last night. She'll probably murder me once I get there," she said.

He chuckled and nodded before getting out of his bed. He stood in front of her and leaned in but she pulled her head backward. "No kissing. We have morning breath," she said. The redhead shrugged his shoulders and smirked. "I don't care," he mumbled. She moved away from him and gave him a look. "Yeah well I do. And I have to go," she said.

Mariah moved about his room and bent down to pick up her purse and her shoes. She stood up straight and blew Archie a kiss before making her way downstairs. She dug through her purse until she found her keys. When she looked up, Jughead Jones stared at her, a knowing smirk adorning his lips.

"Don't look at me like that, Jughead. Nothing happened last night," she dismissed. "I didn't say anything," Jughead said, his smirk turning into a cheeky smile. "Yeah, but you were thinking something," Mariah said. Jughead chuckled at the girl that stood in front of him. "You want some breakfast?" He questioned and she shook her head. "Mariah Coleman turning down food? That's a first," he said.

"I have to get home before my mom files a missing persons report. She tends to overreact sometimes," Mariah said. Jughead nodded understandingly, "Well, see you later, bestie." Mariah narrowed her eyes at the boy who laughed uncontrollably. "Don't make fun of me," she growled. He only shrugged and gave the girl a salute as she turned on her heel and exited the house.

Once inside her car, she threw her shoes onto the passenger seat and started up the car. She hoped that her mother wouldn't be too pissed off at her once she got home.


"I want your car keys!" Amara Coleman exclaimed loudly as her daughter sat in the chair in front of her. "My car keys?" Mariah questioned in disbelief. Amara narrowed her eyes. "Did I stutter? Yes your car keys. Give them to me," she said.

"Mom, come on. You already took my phone and my laptop," Mariah said, eyes pleading. "You're lucky it was just your phone and laptop! No, you're lucky I'm not grounding you, which I should be doing. You just don't come home from a small get together, which turned out to be a damn party. And you spend the night at Veronica's house without calling me to inform me that you're okay!" Amara replied. The woman held out her hand impatiently and Mariah sat with wide eyes.

"It's either you give me your car keys, or you're grounded. And that means you won't have the car anyways, because you won't leave this house! That also means no homecoming for you," Amara said and Mariah scoffed. "I don't even want to go to homecoming," she said defiantly. Ms. Coleman scoffed, "Yeah, I'm not buying what you're selling. Keys, now!"

Mariah sighed in defeat and began digging through her purse. She pulled out her car keys and placed them into her mother's opened palm. Amara closed her hand around the keys and smiled. "Now, go to your room please," Amara requested with a tired sigh. Mariah stood from the chair and began walking toward the staircase.

She stopped in front of it and turned to her mother. "I'm really sorry for scaring you, mom," she said. She then made her way up the stairs and to her room. She flopped backward onto her bed with a sigh. "Well, this day sucks."

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