Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

So far senior year was amazing. My classes were going well, straight A's, of course. Pep rallies seemed like so much more fun as seniors, and so did football Fridays. Fall bonfires were starting and parties were being thrown every weekend. Everything was just so much more fun this year than previous years of high school. Homecoming was a blast with Ryan, and I couldn't wait until senior prom.

Sadly, fall was coming to a close. Winter was going to be brutal like every year, but my friends and I had something to look forward to all year until spring. For Christmas break, Ryan, Hannah, Kyle, and I were all going to fly down to Florida to spend break with my grandparents.

Hannah and Kyle were doing great, and they often went on double dates with Ryan and I. I had been worried that I would lose my best friend once we both got boyfriends, but it actually just made all four of us really close. At first, Kyle had been kind of quiet and awkward around Ryan and I. However, he soon got used to us and now we're all comfortable enough around each other to be our weird, crazy selves.

"Are you even listening to me?" Hannah's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"What? Oh, yeah, of course," I lied lamely.

She rolled her eyes, but grinned once she realized what had been distracting me. Following my line of sight, she saw Ryan smiling as he talked to one of his buddies. "Ohh, I see. You were in a love trance," she joked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

I laughed. "Hey, don't judge me. You've done it plenty of times with Kyle."

Scratching the back of her neck, she nodded. "Yeah. That's very true."

Returning my gaze back to Ryan, I said, "Is it bad that I still can't get over the fact that I'm actually dating him? I mean, it just doesn't feel real. I don't feel like I deserve to be with him or to be this happy."

"It's called being in love, Lex."

"And to think, you two hated each other a couple years ago," Audrey chimed in.

School had just ended and the three of us were all gathered around my locker, staring at Ryan. It had become like routine for us this year. The gathering around my locker after school part, not staring at Ryan. I was pretty sure I was the only one who did that on a regular basis.

"I think she zoned out again," Hannah said as she put her face directly in front of mine.

I jumped back, startled, earning laughs from both girls.

I chuckled along with them then said, "Hey, I've got to get home. I have to help my mom cook a big, fancy dinner for tonight. Apparently Cameron is finally going to bring his girlfriend over to meet the family. Ryan will be there too. So, basically, wish me luck."

I had just walked out the front doors of the school when I heard someone calling my name behind me. Turning around, I saw Ryan jogging to catch up to me. When he arrived, he planted a soft kiss on my lips. It was short and sweet, but the heat lingered on my lips.

He grinned down at me. "Am I still invited tonight?"

"Yeah, of course." I smiled brightly at him. Almost as brightly as the sun which was overhead, threatening to burn my corneas. "But I have to go home early to help my mom with dinner so I'll see you later."

"Alright. Bye, princess," he said as he pressed a his lips against my forehead. He winked at me before finding his truck in the parking lot and taking off.

When I arrived at my house, my mom was already covered in various types of food and the kitchen looked like the war zone of a food fight. I was slightly shocked since my mother was known for keeping her kitchen spotless. There were dirty pans cluttering the sink, flour was everywhere, and gravy had gotten spilled on the counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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