ya dont necessary need to read this its just an author's note

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Welp.... here I am! Whoo.... I know whatcha thinking and I also usually skip author's notes too lolololo..

So straight to the point : I have honestly no idea how I'm gonna continue this shit and I was also wondering if I should continue and stuff...heh

I mean I KNOW where this could go but I think I started off with the wrong start... I mean this plot doesn't match with my ideas. Ya know what I'm saying? So I guess I need some opinions that's all....

I'm also soooooo sorry I'm not updating. The manuscript above is one of the reasons but I just finished my exams,and well my friend's ex is online stalking her, my feelings are all over the place and my nine year old sister makes me cry and cut -_-... Like wtf...

(You can listen to the song if ya want... It's really good but ya know it's HU so... )

**Written at 2:04pm**

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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