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Ok so I know that I haven't even finished my other Enoch book but I promise I will work on these at the same time, I know I'm a sucky author but trust me on this lmao
Anyway, let's get one with itttt

"MOM!" I try telling but nothing is coming out of my mouth. It's like I'm deaf to my own voice but I can hear the screams and tearing down of building all around me.

My house has already been destroyed. The tsunami came in about 10 minutes ago and hasn't stopped since, not dying down at all, almost getting worse. I cry harder and harder I reach towards my little brother who immediately goes flying into the air and disappears from my sight.

The whole town is a wreck, I'm left along in the streets just as I realize the tsunami has stopped.

"How am I not hurt?" I wonder to myself. It's silent. Not a person is in sight. Why am I the only one who wasn't killed? Why am I unharmed though I was in the middle of the street with no protection at all?

I remember just what happened before the storm hit. I had been sitting at the table with my baby brother when mom told us the bad news. Dad had died in war. We get a telegram telling us he died saving his troop from a grenade, but I wouldn't accept it. I started to sob. I ran to my room and started throwing things around. Tears were streaming down my face and I was screaming at nobody, I was practically shaking and my face was red as a tomato.

I felt a sudden rush through my body, the feeling like I was drowning into ice water but somehow I was completely dry. I heard screams outside my window and that's when I saw it. The biggest storm I had ever seen. I ran outside, I have no idea why, I wasn't scared but I was scared for my family.

I watched as my town was torn to pieces as I ran down the streets shouting the names of my mom and brother.


But nobody answered. I could feel my body drenched in sweat as I tripped over my own feet and hit the ground, hard. And instantly everything went black.


I jolt up from where I was laying. I see a bunch of faces of curious children surrounding me and I start to freak out a little. The try to calm me but I am shaking again and I can hear my heart pounding, ready to pop out of my chest any minute now.

Their faces soften and I realize that I had started crying. The girl in front of me had long blonde hair and was beautiful. She hugged me and whispered in my ear "I will be right back" and told the others to stay out and not to let me get up.

When she returned there was a woman next to her, she examined me and explained where I was and why.

"You are here because I brought you here, I found you unconscious in the middle of a street in Los Angeles, California. You are in Cairnholm, Wales. Your hometown was hit with a massive tsunami, killing everyone and wrecking all property. I took you hear to nurse you back to health, you are welcome to stay as long as you need." She smiled at me. What?!

"How long have I been here?" My throat hurt, my voice was dry and my lips were chapped. My whole body aches and I was in somebody else's clothes.

"Twenty-seven hours now" she says checking her watch "and it's about time for supper. I'm sure Emma will have no problem with showing you to the guest room and finding you a fitting dress" she looks at Emma and nods. I get up and Emma secures me to her by putting her arm around my waist and slinging my arm around her shoulders.

We walk up the long staircase and when we finally get to the top I am exhausted.

We go into a room and I sit down on the bed, resting my aching joints as she pulls out a nice light blue dress. She helps me put it on and cleans me up and we make our way downstairs.

Watergirl - Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now