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I'm currently sitting at the table doing my homework. My little sister is sitting at the island drawing, mom is in the living room taking care of my baby brother Conor, and my dad in the kitchen cooking.

I could see into the living room and I can see the tv. My dad had it on the news and while I was just about to finish a really hard question I heard,

"Breaking News."

I look up to see a picture of a girl. I get up to get a better look. "Oh my god it's Sam!" I say. "Turn it up."

"14 year old Sam Willis was found raped and murdered this morning at 10:37am. The SVU has stated that Willis went missing for 48 hours before she was found raped. Along with video of her captor raping her. This has happened to another girl, Gracie Stone. She too was found dead. That is all the information we have currently, we will keep you posted." (I'm not good with news stuff and how they say it. Just go with it)

My mom quickly turned to it to SpongeBob. "Oh my god. She she can't be dead." I sit down on the couch and my mom rubs my back. "It will be ok    [y/n]."
"Hey doesn't that girl look like [y/n] mommy?" "Zara go back to drawing."
"But-" "Zara, listen to your mom." Dad said.
"Ok." She sighs,turning back around and starts drawing again.

"Mom she's right. People always got me and Sam confused." I sniffed. "Am I going to die?" "No no no honey nothing will happen to you."

*ring, ring*

"I'll get the door." I say wiping my eyes. I ruffle Zara's hair as I walked passed her and wiping my eyes. Once I get to the door I open it to see my dads partner. "Auntie Liv!" I say hugging her. "Ohhh it's good to see you [y/n]." She said hugging back.
"What are you doing here?" I ask pulling away and letting her in. "Well I'm here to talk to your dad. Is he home?" She said as she took off her jacket. "Yep. Waiiit, I see, cop stuff. Follow me." She chuckled and followed me.

I lead her into the kitchen where my dad was cooking with a cloth on his shoulder. "Dad it's Auntie Liv." He looks up and says "Hey Olivia, what's up?" He says throwing a towel over his shoulder.
"Can I talk to you. In private Nick?" She says with caution. I immediately knew that it was important.
"Yeah sure. (Y/n) mira la comida por favor. Sólo seré in minuto." [watch the food please. I'll just be a minute]
"Claro papá." [sure dad] I respond. "¡Gran trabajo! Estás mejorando." [Great job! You are getting better]  He said with a smile. "Gracias. He estado tomando clases." [thank you. I have been taking classes] I reply with a smile. He ruffles my hair and walks to the living room with Olivia. (You should really look up the translations. They are pretty cool)
"I hate it when you guys talk in Spanish." I hear Olivia say.

You see, Nick is my step-Dad. Married my mom a year ago. At first I despised him, but whenever I disrespected him he just treated me with kindness. So eventually I started calling him Dad instead of Nick.

I moved the chicken around and tossed the diced onions. I look over at Zara. "Hey, what are you coloring?" I ask "A Butterfly." She replied with a smile.

"OOoooo." I say as I stir the pasta with a smile and I hear her giggle. As I cooked for a few more minutes I saw them come back. "(Y/m/n) can I talk to you please? Zara please go watch your little brother we will just be a little bit." She nodded and jumped down. I look over to see  Olivia grabbing her coat.

"Hey, Aunt Liv, are you going to stay for dinner?" "Sorry (y/n) but I have to get back down to the station."
"I see. Well promise that after the case come over." I say as I put the onions on the chicken. "Bye." "Bye."

I pour the pasta in the strainer and turn off the burners. "Zara, food is ready."
"Ok!" Her cheery voice responded.
She walked up to me and handed Conor to me. I set him in his high chair and give him little pieces of chicken and his Sippy cup. "Zara I'm going to go get mom and dad. Help yourself and watch Conor." I instructed. She nodded and got her bowl.

I walked upstairs, following the voices. I was about to open the door when I heard, "Just please keep her safe. She goes from school practice home."
"Nick that will kill her."
"Yeah? So will that murderer if he gets her. After we catch this guy she will be able to do all those things again. I'm not taking any chances." I hear shuffling,
"Really. So you protecting her is leaving right before dinner to go to work? She has been waiting for this night for so long. She is finally liking you and you leave."

I hold my breath. 'He's leaving?' I open the door and they both stop what they were doing and look at me. My mom has her arms crossed and hip cocked. Nick had his coat over his arm and bag over shoulder. "Don't worry I get it Nick. It's work. People need saving. Just be back for next dinner." I say calmly. I then close the door and walk downstairs.

I get my food and sit at the table next to Zara. I hear Nick walk into the dining room. He kisses Zara on the head. "I thought you were eating with us tonight?" "Sorry sweetie, something came up." He said as he kissed her head. "Bye Nick." I say without looking up. I feel him kiss my head.

I don't look up till I hear the door closing. "Don't worry about it (y/n). You know how his job has him working."
"I know." I put my fork down. "I'm done eating." "But you didn't even eat yet." Zara complained. "Well I got full fast. I'm going to bed." I said as I walked down the hall and up the stairs.

Not my best works but it will get better. I'm thinking the action will be in the next chapter. Who knows.
Anyways, congrats on getting this far. Hope you keep reading.
So this is this, that is that. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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