Chapter 4

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Strong language is used, sorry it's just a part of the story.

Marie's P.O.V

The hospital finally released me, thank God! It was so freakin boring. The boys were all the house so Niall took me home with him. Great... note the sarcasm. Right now we're in the van. I was in the back seat. It's so quiet except for the radio. Niall broke the silence, "Marie, why did you run away?" he asked the question I feared most. I stayed quiet, "It's better if we just talk about it now, rather than with the lads." he said. "It's personal, I'm sorry." Is all I said. He sighed in response, "You can't avoid this, Marie, you can trust me." Niall said. "How do I know?!" My voice cracked.

Shit, don't cry, don't fuckin cry, Marie. Niall pulled the van over. Now I'm really in for it. He climbed in the back. Crap, crap, crap! I tensed up and put my head down. "Marie, it's alright," Niall said calmly as he sat down next to me. He reached out to grab me, I brought my knees up to my chest, "Please, don't hurt me!" I said but it came out muffled. He pulled my towards him, into a hug. I was shocked, but I relaxed a bit. "I would never hurt you, your my little princess." He said while stroking my hair softly. Princess? What? "I just want to help you, can you please tell me what's wrong?" I can't believe I'm doing this, but it's either this or they all talk to me. "I was scared." I said bring my head up to face Niall. "But, why?" He asked, "If I tell you, will you promise not tell anybody?" I asked. He nodded, "When I was eight, my mum and dad beat me for reasons I don't know. One day they just dropped me off at that orphanage and never came back. Since then, I've always been so scared if being hit, I've learned to try to be strong, but always fail..." by now I was crying.

Niall pulled me into a hug. "Shh, shh... it's alright, princess." Niall said trying to sooth me. "Nobody will ever hurt you again, I promise." Niall said, "But you have to start trusting the boys and I, can you do that?" Niall said pulling away from the hug and looking me in the eyes. "I'll try." I promised in a shaky voice. "Alright, good girl." Niall said while kissing my forehead and pulling me in for another hug. He started singing a tune that I didn't recognize. He kept humming that tune, then I let sleep take me over.

Niall's P.O.V

Aww, she fell asleep on me. I really hope she trust us instead of running away. I put her seat belt back on and climbed in the front again and drove back to the house.

Once I got there I unbuckled Marie and carried her inside, bridal style. Once I opened the door the boys stood up from the couch they were sitting on. "Is she alright?" They all said in unison while crowding me. "Yes, boys, she's fine. I'm just going to put her to bed." They nodded they're heads and one-by-one kissed Marie's forehead. I carried her up the stairs carefully and went to her room. I laid her on her bed, took off her shoes and pulled the blanket to her chest. I kissed her on her forehead and closed the door quietly. 

Once I descended the stairs all the boys looked at me. "What?" I asked, "Why did you guys take so long to come home?" Liam asked. "Oh, we stopped for a bite to eat." I said trying to be convincing, "Oh, come on Niall, we've known you for four years we know when your lying." Louis said with sass in his voice. "I can't say, it's between Marie and I." I said in defense, "Pleeeease?" Harry pleaded. "Sorry boys, I promised Mar." I said. They sat down on the couch in defeat. "Hey, I have an idea!" Louis said, standing up. "Well, what is it Lou Bear?" Harry said. "How about tomorrow we take Marie to the zoo!" Louis said, "That's a great idea! A little fun for her." Zayn said. "We can invite the girls!" Liam said, "Yeah!" we all said in unison. "Alright, it's settled then. We're going to the zoo. I'll tell management, that way maybe they can get the zoo to ourselves with no screaming fans." Liam said heading to his room to make the call to management.

Liam came back downstairs with a smile on his face. "We have the zoo all to ourselves tomorrow!" He said, "Great! I'll go call Perrie and see if she has time." Zayn said standing up and heading upstairs.  When he was half way up, he stopped dead in his tracks. "What time are we going?" Zayn asked, turning around. "Umm... 12:30?" Louis asks. We all nod in acceptance. Zayn bolts back up the stairs. "I'll go call Sofia." Liam says and goes back to his room. "I guess I'll go call Eleanor." Louis says and jogs upstairs to his room.

Marie's P.O.V

"Please mum, I didn't do anything." I pleaded my mum while she's backing me up against a wall ready to beat me. "You've done enough by being here." She says with a wicked smile. She raised her hand while I curled up in a ball ready to endure the pain coming to me.

I woke up panting and shaking, I guess I was screaming because my throat hurts. I put my face in my hands while tears streamed down my cheeks. I felt someone put their arms around me. My immediate instinct was to back away in fear. When I opened my eyes I saw it was just Niall. "Marie, it's just me. It's ok." Niall said trying to calm me down. He pulled me closer to him into one of his signature hugs. "It was just a dream." He said. I buried my face into his chest. I heard footsteps come in and I knew it was the boys coming to see what happened. They sat on my bed and somebody started rubbing my back soothingly. For once I felt so comfortable, so... safe. "Go to sleep , Mar, we'll talk about it in the morning." Harry said. I let sleep take me over, but I couldn't help but think, talk about what?

I'M SOOOO SORRY GUYS!!! I've been so busy but I'll try to keep up with my chapters, PROMISE! Luv u guys!!! Byeee :)

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