Chapter 7

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Louis's P.O.V

We decided to wake Marie up a little....differently today. Niall grabbed his guitar and me, Niall, Harry and Liam headed to her room. We quietly opened the door and surrounded her bed and started singing

It's time to get up in the morning

(in the morning, morning)

Got McDonald's breakfast you

(just for you)

Why any other brand?

We drove two miles to get it

So you better get up and eat it




It's time to get up

Get uuuuupp

(Wake uup)

"If I get up will you stop jumping on my bed?" Marie said groggly. "Maybe... alright fine." I got off her bed and she sat up and rubbed her eyes while yawning. "You wanna go wake up Zayn?" I asked. She shrugged, "Alright, I guess." We all headed to Zayn's room and opened the door very quietly. Marie walk up to his bed and cleared her throat. "What is she doing?" Harry asked, "You might wanna plug your ears." Marie warned. We all plugged our ears with our finger which probably isn't going to help. She stood there tall and proud ready to do...whatever she was gonna do. Then she did the unspeakable,"AHHHHHHHHHHH THERE'S NO MORE HAIR GEL!!!!!" After that she bolted out of the room. Zayn sat up in bed faster than Marie ran out of the room. "AHHHHHH!!" He freaked out. We all burst out laughing. Zayn groaned, "Marie, where are ya?!" He rolled out of bed and walked downstairs.

We saw her there on at the table eating her McDonalds we got her. "What's up?" she said naturally as if nothing happened. "What was that about?" Zayn said. "What was what about?" "About you yelling that there's was no hair gel." "Oh that, well Loui wanted to wake you up so I did something different." Marie said while eating the hash brown that came with the meal. Zayn facepalmed, "I should've known Louis was behind it." We all laughed.

Marie's P.O.V

After I finished my breakfast, which was delicious I might add, I went upstairs to get dressed. I chose a black and gray plaid shirt with skinny jeans. I added a little beanie, cause it was kinda cold outside, and my converse(picture on side). I brushed out my hair back to it's natual waviness, did my eyeliner and mascara and headed downstairs. The boys were downstairs, already dressed. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. Liam said, "Well first we're going to Wilson Middle school, (A/N I dont know if its a real school I just made it up) then we're going to go to an interview..." I stopped him right there. "Wait, wait, wait...interview?" "Yeah, they want to interview you too. Now that your our daughter the fans want to meet you too, if that's alright?" Liam asked. I thought about it, "Alright I'll go, but after you guys have to get me food." They all laughed. "I'm serious." I said with a serious look. They stopped laughing and looked at me. I couldn't hold it in, I started laughing. "Ok no but seriously after the interview I want food." "Alright fair enough." Zayn said. "What about me?!" Niall whined. "I'm not sharing." I quickly said. "Alright Niall you'll get some too." Harry said. "Yayyy." Niall said while doing a happy dance, I giggled. "Come we got to get a move on." Liam said while pushing us out the door.

Once we got to the school we all hopped out of the van and the boys put their hoods and sunglasses on. It looked more like a high school to me. When we walked in it looked pretty deserted. We walked down the hall to the office. "Hello how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked. "Hi, we'd like to enroll a new student if possible." Liam said. "Oh of course! Fill out this paperwork and you can sit right there if you'd like." She said pointing at a few chairs in the corner and giving us a packet. "Thank you" Liam said getting the paperwork. "And here's a pen for you and a lolli for you, dear." She gave Liam a pen and me a lollipop. "Oh, thank you."

We went over to the chair but there was only five. The boys all sat down while I sat down on the floor eating my lollipop. "Marie, what are you doing?" Harry chuckled. "Eating my lollipop." I said, "On the floor?" Zayn asked. "Yeah" I said casually. I laid down on my stomach and pulled out my phone playing high school story, a game I downloaded, while I had my lollipop in my mouth. I felt a pair of arms lift me from my position into their lap. I looked back to see Louis smiling at me. I pouted, "I like the floor better, your all boney." Then he pouted, "I am not!" "Are too!" I argued back. "Are not!" "Are too!" "Are not!" "Are-" Liam interrupted us, "Guys! How old are you three?!" "Maybe..." Louis said. We all laughed, except Liam. "Come on mate have a little fun." Niall told Liam. "First lets finish this paperwork, there's only one page left." Liam said, "Alright alright what is it?" Zayn asked. "An elective, so Marie take a look." Liam said handing me the paper. There was art, guitar, (I could probably learn guitar from Niall) home ec., theater, computer tec., Spanish, French, and Choir. 'Hmmm I always liked singing. I guess I'll try choir' I thought to myself. I checked the box next to choir and handed it back to Liam. "Choir? I didn't take u as a singer, Marie." I shrugged, "Neither did I." Liam got up and handed the paperwork to the lady at the front desk. "Alright, oh! Choir, nice choice dear she says looking at me, smiling. "Okay, now there are sports here if you'd like her to sign up for one." She said to Liam. He looked at the boys and they all nodded. "We would actually." He smiled, my heart started beating faster. "Alright, what sport?" She asked. Liam looked at me and winked, "Cheerleading" He said. When he said that I hopped off of Louis lap and ran to him for a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I said squeezing him. "Your welcome but you have to thank the rest of the boys too." He said prying my off him. I turned around and the boys were standing, ready for a hug. I ran to them giving all of them a bone-crushing even though I'm weak. "Thank you!!" I said, well more like shouted. Liam signed the papers and left.

I ran out in the hallway about to do a cartwheel but somebody pulled me into...the janitor's closet? I was about to scream but whoever grabbed me covered my mouth. I looked up to see a girl. "Quiet, I'm hiding." She said, I pulled her off my mouth, "From who?" I asked. "My friend, my name's Kimberly by the way." She said smiling, I turned on the light to see her face properly. She was very pretty. She had dark brown hair like mine but some how looked dark red. Her cheeks were pink like Niall's and dark eyes and taller than me, obviously. "I'm Marie." I said. "Marie?!" I heard Niall yell. Uh-oh. "Um well Kimberly it was nice meeting you but I really have to go." I said heading for the door. "Alright, hey are you coming to school here?" She asked. I nodded, "Cool I'll see you when school starts." She said. "Okay, bye Kimberly." I said and opened the door to find a bunch of panicked boys. "Marie! Thank God your okay!" Niall said. "We thought someone kidnapped you." Louis said rubbing his temples, I giggled, "No, a really nice girl pulled me in there." I said. "Okay? Let's just go." Liam said.

We all walked to the van and hopped in heading to wherever we were going to eat. I was still wondering about that Kimberly girl. She seems nice. I hope we become friends.

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