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now you may be wondering why i was avoiding her and still am trying to. but it's because over the weekend me and matt were having some bro time. and i was told that rosie has feelings for me, like actual feelings.

*last weekend*
"you can't put pinapple on pizza!" i yell
"yes you can! it tastes so fucking good." matt yells back.
"why am i even friends with you?" i sigh
"because you love me." he smiles while doing the grace face.
*grace helbig will always be my favourite*
i laugh as i switch the channel on the tv, my phone buzzes so i look at it.

"who is it?" matt asks
"rosie, she's asking if i'm busy."
"oh well you are," he laughs,"also i dont like your little game seeing as she actually likes yo-" he put his hand across his mouth.
"what?" i say throwing my phone on the sofa.
"nothing." i says with wide eyes.
"matthew." i say sternly after jumping up.
"she likes you. like, like likes you. she told me the other day that she has really strong feelings for you, like love feelings! but she doesn't want to tell you because she doesn't know if the feeling is the same and fuck i shouldn't have said anything. shes gonna fucking hate me, oh shit!" he says as he paces around.
"matt, calm down!" i say, putting my hands on his shoulders.
"fuck, she loves you cam. but she hates it because she knows it's all just a game to you." i sighs as he flops back onto the sofa.
"i didn't want her to fall for me, that wasn't my intention at all. it was just meant to be fun."
"so you don't like her?" he says with sadness in his eyes.
"of course i like her, but i don't date. i do hookups and one night stands but i never date."
"well i'll tell her that." he says while he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

i start to panic and grab his phone and throw it onto a chair.
"matt you can't, i don't want to hurt her!"
"bro, it's gonna hurt her either way. i got to tell her." he sighs as he gets up to get his phone.
i pull him back down,"no you don't, i will."
"you will?" he questions
"yes, i will."

ever since then, i've tried to avoid her because i still haven't told her and it may sound weird coming from a fuckboy but i don't want to hurt her. never in a million years would i want to but i guess i'll have to sooner or later.

*at matt's house after school*
i lay on his bed as he frantically pranced around his room, trying to memorise his lines.
"test me on this scene!" he says passing me his script.

i sigh and sit up as he hands me the script. this is going to be a long night.
"go ahead" i say sarcastically before he gives me a 'fuck off' look,"action!"
"they daren't show their noses round toad hall, that they daren-"
"more empathy matthew!" i shout causing him to stop talking.

i laugh as he rolls his eyes.

"come on rosie, help a guy out here." he sighs sitting down next to me.
"i am helping you, i'm telling you to use more empathy!" i say throwing my hands in the air.
"ugh, it's not even worth it." he says as he rubs his face with his hands.
"i'm not that bad of a person."
he lets out a small chuckle,"not you, this play has been putting so much pressure on me like what if i'm not even good? what if i trip on stage? what if i mess up my lines? what if peop-"
i interrupt his nonsense,"matt, what are you talking about? you are doing perfect, you don't need to worry about all those things because you'll do amazing! i know my best friend and my best friend will forever be the star of the show!"

he pulls me into a hug and digs his head into my neck,"you are a bitch most of the time but sometimes you can actually be nice! thank you rosie."

i pull away,"what are friends for? now, lets get back to your play. and remember, more empathy!"

he laughs as he gets up to start practising again.


oo cam's in some deep shit with this game
anyways thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it, if you did then please vote because it makes me happy :)
also thank you so much for 2k reads!!!
anyways goodbye and i love you!

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