Chapter 1

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"Jax, get moving, you have 5 minutes until we are going to be late!"

This is the only thing I hear from my parents anymore. It's like they just don't care anymore. I mean they are never really around anymore, so it's kind of expected I guess. My mom is a lawyer, so she is always working on cases. Dad is a Doctor, so he is always saving people and all that.

So, lots of alone time. Lots of computer games, fixing things like squeaky doors, doing the dishes, laundry, taking out the trash, making dinner... so really not that fun. My parents don't even care if I leave, once I left for a 'friend's' house (which turned out to be really boring and not that fun) and I forgot to leave a note, when I got home the next day, my parents acted as if nothing happened.

So enough Pity party.

My name is Jax, I'm 16 years old, I have brown messy hair, people are always asking what race I am, but I just say American, cuz I was born here and I'm white. I hate suits, my favorite color is red, my favorite animal is the lizard, and my hobby is pick-locking.

It's a weird hobby, but my Dad taught me how to pick-lock in fourth grade and I really enjoy being able to do things normal people can't. My Dad also taught y how to box and wrestle, back in fifth grade. I'm not that great, but I still work out in some of my free time.

That was back when we were all still together.


"Jasper, please come out, we need to leave."

Elch, parents, always wanting affection, begging, all, the, time. It's pathetic, but I still love them of course. I act like I hate them in public, but when we are all alone, I can do all the cuddling, all the hugs, all the 'I love you'. Today they have a friend over, the Addisins.

Honestly, the Addisins are cool, the adults are serious, but can laugh at a good joke. Jax on the other hand is just plain boring. Granted, I have only seen him twice, over dinner, when the adults 'wanted to see each other again after being so busy with our lives'. The Addisins don't really pay attention to Jax, he pretty much takes care of himself, of what I've seen at least. It's kind of sad, we haven't talked at all, but have looked each other over, noded as a 'pleased to meet you, i hope this doesn't end up as an arranged marriage'.

Anyway, I am in my room and I can't decide, yellow wavy dress with the plunging neckline, the long red sparkly one, or the short green with the little red roses on the bottom. My parents are now almost screaming my name, so I pick the red one because my black shoes (the only ones tha go perfect with them) are already out. Quickly the dress is slipped on, I put my hair in a messy ponytail, put on some quick lipstick and mascara on, and I'm out.


"There she is, geez! Sorry everyone, let's go."

I am looking at the pictures of a brown haired, about seven-year-old girl in blue penguin pajamas on the Branson's wall next to their kitchen. All of a sudden I see Jasper in a red dress. Something I would definitely put a suit on to take out. Her hair is in a ponytail, her face looks amazing and makes me want to kiss her right there, but that would just be weird, so it takes all of my energy to not go up to her.


"You ok Jax? You look like you just saw a ghost."

He stares at me in this 'oh my goodness' way, of course I know it's because he probably thinks I look nice, but I am not about to act all blushy blushy in front of my parents. All the adults start for the door, me and Jax are at the back of the group, he holds the door open as I walk out and then wait for him to join me.

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