Jeremy {4}

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Jeremy when Tyler asks about your relationship

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Jeremy when Tyler asks about your relationship...

You and Jeremy had been dating for a while but your bestfriend Tyler was jealous of the relationship because you didn't spend any time with him anymore.

Tyler and Jeremy were at school but you were because you were ill. Tyler decided to push Jeremy and talk about his relationship with him,

" So how's [y/n] , she said she was ill" Tyler asked
" Yeah she's fine she's just got a stomach bug and a fever" Jeremy told him
" How are you guys thou as a couple , she got tired of u yet" Tyler teased

" We're fine Tyler, you seriously need to get it through your thick head that she will never feel the same way about you" Jeremy said getting slightly angry

" Okay, dude chill I know, I was only messing" Tyler said knowing deep down that it hurt that you would never feel how he feels about you.
While Jeremy smirked knowing how Tyler really felt even if he says he doesn't.

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