He's hiding something!

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Warning:not edited


~chapter 4~

Katerina's P.O.V

After I stormed away in a rage from Parker even slamming the door if I might add I sigh rolling onto my back I think about what happened in my past what I went through and my mission to put the vampires through hell just like they did to me and my family I won't stop until they all pay I huff and stand up I walk into the bathroom and look at my reflection.

I clench my jaw and punch the mirror causing it to shatter I wince in pain and bite my lip I look down at my hand pieces of glass are in my knuckles and blood is oozing out all over the place some pieces of shattered glass in the sink mixed with blood and there's some blood where the mirror used to be I tilt my head and pull out the shards I bend down and grab the first aid kit from under the sink I stand back up and jump when a body presses against my back "you're bleeding kitty" he whispers to me I shiver when his skin touches mine he wraps one arm around my waist and grabs my wrist with the other he brings it closer to his face and inhales.

I yank my wrist free but wince from the movement in my injured hand I turn around in his arms and push him off of me "get off of me" I hiss he just smirks at me and closes his eyes breathing in the smell of my blood "you smell good Katerina" he says in a low voice the way he said it sent shivers down my spine "so what" I narrow my eyes at him he opens his eyes and watches me carefully I turn back around and clean the wound I bite my lip as it starts to sting I hear him sigh and he spins me around as I'm about to protest he grabs my hips and lifts me up placing me down on the counter without a word he begins to clean and bandage my wound I raise an eyebrow but he still says nothing.

Parkers P.O.V

I can smell her blood it smells sweet but there's something else aswell I can't put my finger on it this just makes me more curious I walk towards the room and open the door it's stronger in here I walk in and silently close the door behind me I walk towards the bathroom and stand in the door way she stands up with the first aid kit I walk in the press my chest against her back looking at the mess she's made she jumps and tenses "you're bleeding kitty" I whisper waiting for her reaction I brush my fingers along her arm gaining a shiver I give a half smirk and wrap one arm around her waist and grab her wrist with my other I bring her wrist up to my face an inhale the intoxicating smell of her blood.

She yanks her wrist away and winces in pain I feel excitement build up in me at seeing her in pain sometimes the things I feel being a vampire are weird like really weird but I don't mind I like it she turns around in my arms and pushes me back I stubble backwards "get off of me" she hisses I smirk and close my eyes breathing in the sweet smell "you smell good Katerina" I speak to her in a low voice causing her to shiver again "so what" I open my eyes and see her eyes narrowed I watch her carefully as she turns around I watch her start to clean her wound she bites her lip from the stinging silly kitty she's doing it wrong I sigh and spin her around she opens her motu hto protest but before she can I grab her hips and lift her up place her down on the counter I take the wipe from her and start to clean her wound she watches with confusion but I say nothing I bandage her hand and look at her she raises an eyebrow but I stay silent and leave the room I sigh once I'm away from her and the smell of blood I lean against the wall by her door and go into deep thought

Katerina's P.O.V

He left without saying anything else I roll my eyes and look at my now bandaged hand I shake my head and begin to clean up the glass careful not to cut myself again after I get all the big shards out of the sink I turn on the water and watch as the smaller shards and blood wash down the drain I get a wash cloth and wet it then clean up the area where the glass used to be "you got recklace again Kat" I look over and see my old lover standing there I know he's not really there but it's nice to hear his voice every now and then "so what " I grumble he sighs and shakes his head "you have to be more careful around vampires love you got lucky this time but what's to stop him from draining your blood the next time" I look away from him and finish cleaning up "he won't do it there's something he's hiding it's almost like he's trying to make amends for something he's got a secret and I want to know what it is" I look over at him again as he starts walking towards me once he's infront of me he stops a smile on his face he reaches up and cups my cheek it makes me sad that I can't feel his touch anymore "always so curious and reckless" I smile some and close my eyes when I open them again he's gone I sigh and look down "I miss you" I mumble


Okay guys here's the next chapter sorry it took so long here's my present to you all

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Merry Christmas
With love

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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