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Wednesday morning came, but I hadn't got much sleep last night,because after I went  to seep all I could seem to think about was him.Oh,god only couple hours passed but I already miss him,his smile and his voice. My dreams about him were interrupted by my mom's,high pitched, voice. It was 6 in the morning and I had to wake up to get ready for school. I got out of the bed,thinking about my best friend Veronica, I knew that she had noticed the way I looked at Damjan last night, and I knew she was dying to know all about my thoughts on him,and why the bloody hell was the talking to me and my mom.My dad drove me to school, and I unwillingly entered my class, hell to be more specific.After going inside classroom I immediately noticed Veronica sitting alone, exactingly waiting for me to come.I pulled out a chair and she,not even waiting for me to sit normally,started bombarding me whit all those questions.I told her about how crazy I felt because of Damjan.She of course knew that,from seeing my weird behavior last night. School ended,pretty much fast, and I came home, exhausted. I remember I didn't even had appetite for eating,all I wanted to do was looking and talking whit him,and to be honest,even now while I'm writing this,i don't get how could I fall for him that fast,and I didn't get it back then.I couldn't focus on anything, so I decided to search his name up on Facebook,It was quiet easy to find him because I all ready knew how he looks.When I saw his pictures I basically started fangirling all over again,I just couldn't believe that such a beautiful boy even exists,and of course I saved all of his pictures I could find.Night came by really fast and I decided to go to sleep,hoping I'm going to dream about him and his eye smile, and his warm eyes,I hoped he will look as glamorous as he is in real life,and that maybe one day it won't be necessary to dream about him,because I will be in his arms.

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