Chapter 19

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*Author's Pov.*

"Hyung..." Dino breathed out as he looked down before him, ashamed of what the older had just seen. Hana clenched her hands as she looked down, unable to look at either one of them. She felt embarrassed, and like she had just betrayed her loved one, Hoshi, even though she had done nothing wrong.

Hoshi looked at Hana, and then Dino. He was trying to understand everything, but the time it took him made him angrier. But he didn't know what he was going to say, he was furious, but no words came out of his mouth as he began to use the only thing that made him express his feelings without talking.

Hoshi's fist struck over Dino's jaw, making him fall back. Hana shot up her eyes as she heard the impact of Hoshi's fist on his jaw.

"The second time you hit me..." Dino breathed out as he dried away the small amount of blood in the corner of his lips. He chuckled a little as he looked at Hoshi.

"What did you expect me to do?" Hoshi asked the younger, his voice cold, his knuckles cracked each time he spread out his fingers as to make the small pain stop.

Hana bit her lip as she stood up on weak legs.

"Stop it! Both of you!" She yelled and both of them looked over at Hana.

"Can't you see that your friendship is being tossed away? For what? Me? I want you both to be happy, but I can't stand seeing you hurt each other." Tears fell from her eyes as she talked to them.

"You are best friends..." She paused to gain her breath back.

"And I don't want to be the person who tear you apart, tear the group apart. I'm sorry..." The words slipped out of her mouth.

Hana turned around and ran away from them. She ran out the door and past the van.

"Hana?!" Vernon shouted after her as he was about to walk into the house to get Dino and Hoshi. He couldn't possibly know what had happened, or know her sorrow.

She knew that she was bringing them all trouble, and she wouldn't break the group apart. They were all friends. She couldn't do that to them. She couldn't let Hoshi and Dino hurt each other. Because in the end, their careers would depend on it all.


I stood by the elevator, I don't know for how long, thinking back to what had happened. The way Dino had kissed me, touched me, I couldn't shake that feeling off. I really couldn't believe it, I was much older than him, why would he start to like me? I'm his best friend's girlfriend. He's not supposed to like me, not like that.

"You're not getting in?" I looked up to the side, it was Youngguk who was talking. I smiled a little, embarrassed as the door was open for me to get in.

"Thanks..." I said as I walked in, followed by him.

"Noona, what happened? Are you okay?" I could hear the concern in his voice, I didn't have to be a genius to know that he cared for me.

"It's... It's complicated... But it's okay..." I smiled back at him as the doors closed. Youngguk had been a friend of mine since what felt like the beginning of the world.

"How's school, isn't it exams soon?" I could sense how he tried not to answer.

"Youngguk, you have to do your exams, and you have to study to them." He sighed as he turned around to face me fully, a pout covering his lips.

"But that's not at all fun! You know I'm not like you, I'm a slow learner-."

"It's not called a slow learner; it's called being lazy." I snapped before he could finish. I knew that because I went to the same school as him before, I even tutored him until he turned 15.

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