First day

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Watch out for:
Y/N : Ur name
C- Wake up Y/N!
Y/N-  I'm already up!
C- No your not
Y/N- Your talking to me but your looking at my pillows.
C- hehe! Well let's get ready for school!
(This is what your wearing)

C- hehe! Well let's get ready for school!(This is what your wearing)

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(What Cadenza is wearing! Btw there's no uniform)

(What Cadenza is wearing! Btw there's no uniform)

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Cadenza grabbed my hand and ran to school.
Y/N- Let me catch my breath!
C- Ok and we are here! By loser.
Y/N- By bigger Loser.
I walked up the stairs and I got pushed to the side and fell.
???- Watch it!
???- Gene stop messing with this beautiful young lady.
Ge- Shut up Garroth
Y/N- How about you die in a he-
Y/N- But Cadenza
G- here
The next thing I know is that the guy with black hair is gone and the boy with blonde hair hand is out. I grab it and he helped me up.
G- I'm so sorry about Gene...
C- Y/N her name is Y/N
Y/N- Cadenza I talk by myself
G- *laughs at us* Are you guys related?
Y/N- Yes, in fact we are twins. How and this is Cadenza.
G- Hello Y/N and Cadenza.
I heard my phone ring. Cadenza grabbed my phone and she looked at it.
C- Its the biggest Loser of all
G- Who are you talking about?
Y/N- Our brother Laurence
G- oh
C- well I'm going to leave you guys to "talk"
Y/N- Really Cadenza. What the heck
As Cadenza walked off I waved goodbye to Garroth ran to Cadenza and punch her in the arm.
Yay two chapters in one day! I'm also sorry that there isn't much of garroth x reader thing but I'll add more romance in the nested chapter!
~Allie Out

Cadenza's Twin{Garroth x reader}Where stories live. Discover now