Should I?

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Watch out for:
Y/N : Ur name

New: SK/NN : SK nick name
A/N: I'm going to be outing a song in this chapter that I wrote. So plz no mean comments if u didn't like it.      ~Allie out

💞Garroths POV💞
After I got home all I could think about was her...Y/N. I swear I don't like her. But do I? No I can't. I can't fall in love again. (This is months after Garroth kissed aph)

G- hey
Y/N-(5 minutes later) hey garroth.
G- so whats  going on!
Y/N- I was listening to music. Oh
give me a second someone else
is texting me.
G- k

I got a text from an unknown number. It was weird so I checked it out.

?- hey kitty
Y/N- Who is this?
?- its me Gene!
Y/N- wut do u want
Ge- I want you to join my
Y/N- and why should I Gene
Ge- because I have got your brother
in my group.
Y/N- you did!
Ge- yea i did kitty
Y/N- I'll think about it.
Ge- ok goodbye SK/NN

💞Garroth POV💞
Who else text her. I got up from my bed before I heard my phone ring. I smiled at the message.

Y/N- guess who text me.
G- who?
Y/N- Gene!
G- how did he get ur number?
Y/N- idk. I didn't give it to
him. But I think I know
G- who
Y/N- they probably hacked through the school
system so that's probably how they
got my number.
G- oh. Did he ask you any
Y/N- he asked me if I wanted
to join the shadow knights.
G- did u say yes?
Y/N- I said, I'll think about it
G- plz say no!
Y/N- Ok I will... For you 😊😛
G- Yay😊😁

I hope you enjoy this chapter!
~Allie out

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