chapter 15

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ambers prov

im running to somewhere but i don't where I'm following his voice his heartbeat his sent. I'm surrounded by thorn bushes and snow I'm cold no warmth. my heart his slow my breathing is slow sometimes i can hear Jace asking me to wake up or saying he sorry but I'm wide awake i hear everything. i given up running to who knows where. I'm now lying down on the cold snowy floor hearing his voice over and over him calling my name asking me where i am thanking me. i want to move but my body wont listen my eyes wont open i just keep lying there. i want to scream out to them but my mouth wont open its like my lips are sewed together.

yesterday i felt a warm presence by me then a sharp pain in my wrist. I've been trying to tell them that i want to wake up but nothing happens. i don't know how long I've been like this but i know I've been asleep for a very long time. i wish i could speak to him again i wish i didn't run or feel alone. my soul is slipping each and everyday hes slipping away. our bond is getting weaker and weaker.

i hear the door slowly open someone putting there chair by my bed. a warm hand puts theirs on mine.then i feel someone put there forehead against mine. there breathing is slow and quiet.

" hey amber" a fimilair girls voice says to me. i want to say hi or hello or even wave but nothing works.

" we found out something that will be able to wake you up" i feel a wet substance on my cheek i realizes its the girls tears. i want to wipe them away and tell her it will be ok. the warm feeling on my forehead disappears only the warmth on my hand remains.

" but there is a problem we cant wake you up without your mate he is the only one who can help you" her grip on my hand tightens and soft sobs come out of her mouth. to hear the word mate makes my heart jump and my breathing hitch.


" Jace come hurry!!" the girl screams but the only thing that matters right now is Aiden and his calls

' Aiden please help me' i whisper in my head hoping that some how he might hear me. and with that everything goes snowy white and my fingers are freezing my body is ice cold. and pain hits my chest making me scream out in pain. but i i still in the bed only i could say is his name.

Aiden's prov

for 3 years I've been calling out to Amber hoping that she'll hear me. I don't where she is or if shes ok but all i know is that shes slipping our bond is slipping with her.

im lying down on my bed trying to sleep but i cant nothing is helping me. I need Amber i called out to her through our bond but no response. my window burst open and a very cold breeze comes in making me shiver and braking me out of my thoughts. i get up to shut the window but a girls whispers through my head.

' Aiden please help me' she says i feel butterflies in my stomach then i hear her scream in pain making me fall to my knees holding my head. the scream fades away but then i shiver relizing the window is still open. i get back up to feet and walk to my window i slowly close it but i hear her sob and whisper

'aiden' that's when I realize its Amber I slam open my window and jump out landing on the grass i run as fast I as I can still feeling the cold breeze on my back I stop at a dead end of a block where a mansion is at with carvings of a vampire crest on the front gate.


HEY! sorry for the very short chapter but i'm gonna update more...well i will try to :)

Thawing A Ice HeartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ