The Silver Rose

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Lucius Malfoy stood in front of Harry. "The orb boy give it to me now." Harry with a mischievous glint in his eyes reached out with the orb in hand about to give it to him." Don't give it to him Harry." Neville shouted Bellatrix pushed her wand futher into his throat Harry reached out again when he dropped to the floor in pain the orb slipping out of his hand laying on the floor in pain, he changed his pitch black unruly hair turned to jet black hair with Platinum blond streaks that fell in curls around his face his skin turned form a light peach brown to a ivory white he grew from five' three to six' six, his nails that had once been short and chewed grew to long and sharp like claws the most dramatic thing that happened was his eyes that had once been a bright Emerald green turned to a bright Dimond blue with dark Ruby red battling each other in swirls his features went from a Potters/Eavens  to a Riddles/ Black/ LeStrange.

Everyone stunned the DeathEaters bowed when he stood up Harry confused looked around in a corner he saw Dumbledore seething with anger, confused he rubbed his eyes when he opened them Dumbledore was gone. 'Was that just my imagination or was he really there' he thought. Looking around he noticed every Pure-blood bowing." Um, what just happen and why are you bowing." Bellatrix being the brave one transfigured a rock into a mirror and handed it to him. Harry slowly grabbed it and looked at the person staring at him. Scared he ran out from the room into the lobby where all the floo's were he was about to head to the nearest floo when Tom Marvolo Riddle appeared and looked him over" eyes resting on Harrys shocked enough that his glamours dropped revealing a young man with dark red wavy hair, teal blue eyes with flecks of crimson floated around lazily and a tan complexion looking like an older version of the teen he met in the Chamber of Secrets. "Corvus  is that you." He asked he was about to continued head to the floo when Dumbledore stepped through looked at him and scowled casting a spell that would put the glamor he placed on him when he stole him from his parents and placed him with the Potters. Harry seeing the spell dodged it, Dumbledore shot another only for it not to work when it hit Harry, who saw it too late, he jumped into the floo he called out." Gringgots." And with that he was gone

-----------------------------At Gringgots----------- -----------------------------------------------------------

All goblins were shocked when the floo flared and a teen came stumbling out. Walking up to the goblin in the middle of the room. Seeing  the anger in his eyes everybody made a path for him not wanting to be at another end of his wand he reached the goblin." I like a blood and inheritance test please." The goblin looked up." Name please." The next thing that came out of his mouth shocked everyone in the bank." Harry Potter." The goblin looked at him in shock." Who was the first goblin that took you to your vault when you first came." Harry looked like he was kidding him." Griphook." They all looked at him in disbelief, no wizard in history remember a goblin by name only by appearance. The goblin took him to a secluded room and pull out a piece of parchment." Put three drops of blood please." Handing him a silver knife covered in runes Harry cut his hand three drops of blood fell then the cut healed he looked back at the parchment seeing the blood turn to words he picked it up and read.

Birth certificate 

Name: Corvus Salizar LeStrange

Father: Tom Riddle

Mother: Lilly Marie  Evans néé LeStrange

D. O. B: 31, July 1980

Magical Core 1: Light

Magical Core 2: Dark: blocked

Magical core 3: Grey: blocked

Relatives (dead alive)

Lilly LeStrange mother *M.I.A*

Tom Riddle father*M.I.A*

Sirius Black godfather

Remus Lupin-Black godfather

Alice Longbottom maternal aunt *M.I.A*

Frank Longbottom maternal uncle *M.I.A*

Minerva McGonagall maternal grandmother

Filius Flitwick maternal grandfather

Magical inheritance: Seer

Creature inheritance: Dark Elemental Elf/Siren/Inccubus



ParselMagic: 100% blocked

Charms: 99% blocked

Potions: 99.9% blocked

Transfiguration 95% blocked

D A D A: 90% blocked

Empathy: blocked

Sympathy blocked

Telepath blocked

Natural healing blocked

Blood Magik blocked

Ancient Runes blocked

Natural wind magik blocked

Natural water magik blocked

Natural earth magik blocked

Natural fire magik blocked

Natural light magik blocked

Natural dark magik blocked

Natural shadow magik blocked

Natural moon magi blocked

Sirens song blocked


All blocks placed by one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore total magic blocked 99.9%

Harry was seething he looked over his real birth certificate." I want all blocks removed from me please." Griphook nodded." And the Horcrux placed into a Dimond and Emerald encrusted snake bracelet you'll find it in the Lestrange vault it rightfully belongs to me as it was given to Bellatrix Lestrange by her sister and I want the bracelet back." Griphook nodded again and pulled out three potions. Harry drank all three of them, then passed out.

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