1:57 a.m.

438 55 3

day f u r

1:57 a.m.

he was here again.

this time silence greeted us.

after a long time, "you're hard to understand, you know. everyday you wear this style of clothes, but then you have this white highlight in your hair. just like your actions, they're contradicting."

"the word for this is esoteric. understood or meant for only a few." i said, glimpsing a smile on the boy's face.

"and no, i don't dress in "this style", i'm indie." this time i was the one smiling.

"what's your name?"

i didn't answer.

at last, "ghost. just call me ghost for now."

"maybe we can be ghosts together, yeah?"

i shrugged, feeling his gaze. it was as if he was trying to brush away my curtain of hair separating us with his eyes.

"why do you hide your face?"

"there's nothing worth showing." i kept looking forward.

"really? nothing at all?"


he was quiet for a while.

"why do you cry, then?"

his questions were always gentle, as if he wanted to know more but he was afraid to ask me.

what was interesting was i answered his questions.

"everyone has a past, mine just haunts me every night."

"yeah, i know. that was the reason i came here the first night. i couldn't stand it, you know? the memories.

"there was this girl, my best friend. i was practically in love with her. one day i told her how i felt, and she rejected me.

"i was sad, so sad. i pushed her away, and then we stopped talking, or even hanging out with each other.

"now i don't even know if she still lives in this town. but if she does, i want to tell her that i love her."

i stayed silent.

"i'm sorry. suddenly dumping my tragic love life on your shoulders must be weird." he said.

"no, it's okay." i nodded.

his worried puppy face broke into a huge grin, making me laugh.

the huge grin turned into an even larger one, making him look even more like a puppy.

"bye, ghost." he said, touched my shoulder and walked away.

i cried.

this time, i cried not only for myself,

but for him.


awww so mikey loves someone. how cute. <3

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