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3:43 a.m.

i'm going to the playground once again.

who would've thought?

he's gone and yet i'm still here.

not dead, just...out of the country.

he said he'd be back. but i miss him so, so much.

the park was the only place i can go to, the loneliness now filled with happy memories.


4:24 a.m.


i know that voice anywhere.

i turn my head towards the sound, to see Michael sitting there.

us sitting in our swings again.

he stands up, walking over to me. i look at him, willing my body to move. any time now, body. any time.

his hands grasp mine, breaking the spell that's been holding me for the last ten seconds(it feels like more).

“hey.” i reply.

“i missed you.”

as cheesy as it sounds, his touch sends tingles all over my skin, making me grip his hand tighter.

“you have no idea.” i reply. i stand up, facing him.

he chuckles and hugs me tight, a great bear hug.

i sigh in content, the feeling of his arms are a luxury i missed.

my sigh is cut off by his lips on mine, pulling me into a long, sweet kiss. he smiles into it, knowing what effects he causes me. fireworks, tornadoes and atomic explosions.

“well, you once said that you were with the lonely, yeah? now you're with me.”

he kisses my shoulder, something he seems to like to do.

“i love you.”


well, its finally over! whoopee!

thanks for the reads!!! boi! 

ps another lil' chapt. later if yall want an explanation.

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