Kid Proof

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"Everything he needs for the weekend is in his backpack or at Oliver's place--oh except his vitamins. I told Oliver what type to buy but I don't think he ever did. He has to take his allergy medicine every night before bed or else he gets a really runny nose and itchy eyes, so make sure he gets it,"

"Vitamins, right. I'll make sure Oliver or I pick some up, if he hasn't already. Also I'll make sure he gets his medicine, don't worry," Felicity says pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "William is in good hands, I mean between John, Thea, Oliver and I, we can almost be one fully responsible adult," she continues talking making Samantha smile.

At first, Felicity didn't really like Samantha, but soon realized that it what more the idea of her and what she was what she didn't like--the fact that Oliver didn't trust her--rather the women herself. She came to terms with her and was able to understand the decisions she made in life.

The blonde was glad that Samantha had agreed to let her son get to know his father. Oliver, once he knew had a son couldn't part with the idea of never being able to be in it. Although Samantha was hesitant, Felicity along with others vouched for him and convinced the women to give him a chance.

William was first introduced to his father over dinner. One that Oliver had convinced Felicity to be present at. It was a night that seemed to last three years and was filled with enough awkward moments to write a New York Times best selling YA novel. After that Oliver could have William over at his apartment at increasing amounts of time. Until Samantha was finally comfortable with William staying the night with Oliver. Now the boy came to visit his father every few weekends.

This trip he was coming for a full week. Now that it was summer William didn't have to worry about missing school and could stay with Oliver while Samantha went on business instead of her parents.

"I think your all responsible adults, just not necessarily all fully kid proof. It will be all okay, right? I mean you'll be around to help Oliver and William likes you." Samantha says with a smile. The women has developed a large amount of trust and respect for Felicity.

"I mean I have other stuff but--" Felicity starts but notices a wave of panic flood into Samantha's eyes. "Yeah I'll be around. We're gonna have a lot of fun, right Will?" She asks the boy who stands by his mother's side playing with his action figures.

William looks up so that his brown eyes land on Felicity, he gives her a toothy grin. "Yeah! Can I go on your computer?" He asks enthusiastically.

Felicity puts a pointer finger to the corner of her lips and pretend to think. "I think we can work that out," she says and watches as the boys smile grows.

"Alright then, guess it's time to say bye" Samantha says, taking a deep breath.

Felicity turns around to her car and pretends to move stuff in her backseat while Samantha says goodbye to her son. When she turns around she sees the women holding the boy tight to her chest and planting a kiss in his forehead. Felicity watches and wonders if she will ever so that to a kid of her own. If she will ever be able to feel that type of love for a child of her own.

William wiggles out of his mother's arms and skips over to Felicity's car and climbs into the backseat, setting his toys down next to him. Felicity closes the door behind him then turns to Samantha. "Don't worry. We got him, he'll be okay."

"I know he will. Thanks for meeting me. I changed the times on Oliver because of my flight and when he couldn't, he said he'd ask you," Felicity nods her head and is about to say it's not a problem when Samantha continues talking. "Please don't feel pressured to always be around for Williams's sake, I know you and Oliver are at a rough patch and I know it's partially my fault. And yeah William and I really like you, but don't don't feel like you are required to be there all the time--if that makes sense. We love it, but we understand that you have a life."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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