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Lucy's P.O.V: The rest of the day was odd. This new salmon haired boy really didn't like me.

With him it was constant,

Spitballs during class


"You look so ugly," comments.

This ticked me off. But I made sure not to show it.

If I showed it, it wouldn't stop any sooner.

I dodged the spitballs,

Ignored the comments.

I feel different.

Like I need to change so much.

Bad Lucy! You promised not to let this boy get to you!

As I walked home from school I felt a rough hand on my shoulder. Walking with me from behind. I turned my head to see salmon hair. Our faces 4 inches apart.

After noticing our distance, I slightly blushed and backed away. I could've sworn I saw salmon hair blush as well.

I sighed "What's it to ya?"

He smirked "Well that's not nice to say to a new student."

I rolled my eyes, which made him chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, but seriously. What do you want?"

"What do I want?" He pointed at himself.

I nodded.

"Simple." He started "a favor."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Right, I knew this girl named Lucy when I was young." He started "you can't be her so quit acting like it."

My eyes widened.

"Dragneel?" I cupped my hands over my mouth.

"Heartfilia?" He asked mocking my tone.

"HOLY CRAP YOUR HAIR IS WAY REDDER PINKY!" I scream excited. Pinky was a childhood nickname of his, given by yours truly.

"So it is you...." He frowned.

I raised my opposite eyebrow.

"No.." He blinked back tears "NO!"

He fell to his knees.

"I WAS ORDERED TO HATE YOU!" He started to sob.

"I WANT TO KNOW YOU!" Wow, what a crybaby.

I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor guy.

Even if I was more confused than a 56 year old memory wiped old woman.

"There there." I chuckled quietly as I rubbed Dragneel's back.

He looked up at me angrily pushing my hand off of him.

"From this day on, you are my enemy Lucy Heartfilia!" He announced quite loudly as his back faced me.

Other kids walking their separate routes home turned to pinky in unison.

"Jesus, you want the whole world to know?" I chuckled.

Natsu's (wow first time I use his real name,) tough guy act slowly started to fade. He wanted to laugh. He attempted to fight his laughter. He fought well, though in the end, I could've sworn a soft smile spread across his face.

He started to walk away.

I chuckled to myself. I felt accomplished. I've already made my "enemy" smile.

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