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Two parts in one day?


Your author is slowly becoming unlazy (I know it's not a word.)


Lucy's P.O.V:

I wake up in the Fullbuster's guest bedroom.

All of my memories clear this time.

Not a blurry vision whatsoever.

I yawn deeply as I click my tongue against my lips.

I slowly pull off the covers, and make my way over to the blinds.

There's no time telling device in the room, so the sky's expression is good enough.

I twist the little nob on the blinds, my index finger and thumb touching slightly as I use the friction between both fingers to open the blinds.

To my surprise, instead of the warm morning sky, I see a glowing night sky, filled with stars.

I sigh, plopping back in bed in disappointment.

Sleep is at the bottom of my current list of needs and I had already been kicked out of dreamland.

I slowly stand once again, and start walking over to the door.

Slowly, cautiously, I tried my hand at exiting the room without the noise of floorboards accompanying me.

The thing I wanted least is to wake someone.

Wake someone who hasn't been kicked out of dreamland.

As I make it out of the room, I slowly walk over to the living room to hear glasses clinking, and a fridge shutting.

I glance up at their living room clock.

5:30 AM.

I start to glance farther around the room to see Gray entering the room with a glass in hand.

He walked slowly, cautious not to spill what looked like, milk in his glass.

He slowly bends down to sit on the coach and I decide to take a seat next to him.

Glancing around the room, getting to know my surroundings a bit better.

"What are you doing up so early?" I find myself whispering to Gray, who's sipping his white liquid intensely, greedy for every drop.

"Want to see something cool?" He whispered back and I nodded, slightly infuriated that my question had been ignored.

He jerked me up from the couch, leaving his milk behind.

We crept around the house, our destination, the front door.

Once the front door was found, he slowly unlocked it and ran out, dragging me behind him with the force of his arm.

I see Gray staring at something.

I follow his eyes and see a hill.

Looked pretty basic to me.

Before I new it, the force of Gray's arm pulled me yet again.

His arm jerking mine with will, and my arm following with ambition.

Once we had finally reached the top, I saw the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my entire life.

I had now realized what Gray wanted to show me.

The sunrise.

All of the colors melting together, forming all kinds of new colors I hadn't even bothered thinking exist.

We watched the sunrise in a comfortable silence, both too speechless to even dare say a word.

Once the sun had fully risen, staying up on the hill was pretty pointless so this time, I grab Gray's arm with force and drag him back home, giggling the entire way.

I try to open the front door to realize someone had locked it.

I knocked on the door.

Almost immediately, somebody opens the door.

Once the door is opened, I see Ur standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

"Now what were you two doing this morning?" Ur raised an eyebrow, suspicious at two of her responsibilities knocking at the front of her door.

I had a feeling Gray was going to make up some silly excuse so I decided to explain.

"Gray took me over to that hill," I pointed to the hill Gray took me to and Ur nodded.

"And we watched the sunrise together!" I beamed at the word sunrise.

After what I witnessed, the adjective beautiful can't even begin to describe what I saw this morning.

I sigh happily, remembering the sight.

How all of the colors faded into a blue.

"I see.... Come in and get ready for school." She placed a finger on her chin and stood on the side of the doorway, gesturing us to come in.

I run to my room, stubbing my toe on a chair leg in the process.

(A/N: Anyone else do that? No I'm alone? Okkkiiee.)

I quickly shake it off, still feeling the pain and continue to run.

Once I make it to my room, I slam the door and start to dress myself.

As I finish dressing myself, I realize how tons of  my cuts are being revealed from the outfit.

I really don't feel like making up an excuse for my bruises.

I brush my hair out, the knots having a hard time untwining due to lack of bathing.

Eventually, I finished pulling my hair back into a messy bun and was ready to see what Ur made as breakfast.

As I walk into the kitchen I see a smiling Ur setting waffles on plates.

Two on each.

We all eat our waffles in comfortable silence and head out the door saying 'bye' and stuff.

Once I finish my walk to school, I notice something immediately.



Heyyyooo (I'm face palming at that what I just said.) Hope u like my chapter mmkay bye I'm tired

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