Fools Over Love

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Taking over your family's company is not necessarily convenient for everyone especially Charioce. The company was doing great during the previous generations but when it came into the hands of his good-for-nothing father, it all just went crumbling down. He spent the company's income on booze and women. Even the workers suffered greatly due to his father's foolishness. For the past couple of years, he's been busy rebuilding his family's business empire.

Nowadays the business is flourishing but Charioce was still busy. Sure he had assistants to help him but he didn't trust anyone much. Growing up with that kind of father gave him trust issues. Especially in his work and love life. Life has become a routine to him. Nothing interesting. Nothing new.

Just like any other day, Charioce is stuck in his office listening to his personal assistant droning on his schedule for the day. He stared out from his office's big glass window. Today's weather seems nice. He thought for awhile and suddenly stood up. 

"I'm going to go out."

Without even sparing a glance, Charioce went out of the office leaving a very flustered assistant behind. Lots of people were intimidated by Charioce so no one questioned him when he suddenly up and left the office. He was a reasonable man. He wouldn't do anything stupid.

What am I doing out here? After a few minutes walking around the city aimlessly, Charioce sighed and questioned his sanity. The stress of having to work tirelessly must have accumulated and burdened his mind, was the only reason he could conclude on his behaviour today. 

He was still walking around the city, observing his surrounding and whatnot when he noticed how there were lots of  couples being especially affectionate in public. At first he thought it was normal for young people but then he saw other couples who varied in age he starts to question. Is there something special going on today? Coincidentally, he saw a flashy poster in front of a cafe and stopped to read it. VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL PROMOTION. Oh, Valentine's day, no wonder.

As Charioce was about to leave, he heard a loud yell. "Look out, mister!" He looked up and saw an angel falling down from the sky and caught her on reflex. Both of them were still for a moment as they saw each other's faces. She wasn't actually an angel but she was wearing a pair of white wings. The girl with the wings was blushing madly at him.

" c-can put me down now." was all she managed to say after being quiet for awhile. Charioce snapped out of his sudden stillness and put the girl down gently. He continue to stare down at the girl. The only thought in his mind was how small she is and how cute her blushing face was. He wanted to look at her face more but she was avoiding his gaze wholeheartedly. Suddenly, a blond-haired woman came up to the girl and Charioce started to realize that he was momentarily unaware of his surrounding.

"Nina, are you okay?!" the woman asked the girl. So her name is Nina. It suits her. Charioce let out a small smile.

"yeah, I'm fine Jeanne. Sorry for making you worried."

"Thank goodness you're okay. I told you to be careful when you're hanging up the banner. I should've asked someone else to do it."

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry."

"Thank you soo much for saving my employee, sir" the woman bowed at Charioce and the girl also followed suit.

"It's okay don't mention it. Anyone would've save a fallen angel." Both of them looked at him in confusion until the meaning clicked in their heads. Nina blushed madly again while Jeanne laughed.

"Sorry sir but it's supposed to be cupid." was Nina's only reply.

"Well, I think angel suits you better." Charioce showed a genuine smile when the atmosphere was ruined by a phone call from his business phone.

"It seems you're busy sir so thank you again for saving me." Nina said all too quickly and pulled Jeanne into the cafe in front of them. He didn't even had a chance to put in a few words and begrudgingly picked up his phone.


After returning back to his office, Charioce had a series of meeting and a couple of proposals to attend too. However, he seemed completely out of it today. He managed to put on a stoic face but he still caught himself staring off into space at times. His mind kept drifting to a very cute blushing angel. Keep it together Charioce, you don't have time to fool around. But still his mind wanders.

When work was all done, he decided to take the train home. Something he hasn't done for a long time since he has his own driver. Before he dismissed​ his PA, Charioce asked him a question that's been nagging him for the whole day.

"Kaisar, what do you think about love?" Kaisar was clearly shocked to hear something unrelated to business from his boss's mouth but he recovered quickly.

"I think love is something happy but painful at times, sir."

"Are you speaking from experience or observation?"

"A little bit of both I guess. But I've heard that love can turn the most reasonable person into a fool."

"........Thank you for your info. You can leave now."

"I'm pleased to help, sir."

After a few minutes of silent contemplation, Charioce stood and left his office. With a determined look and his head held high, he headed straight to the cafe where he met Nina. As soon as he arrived, he saw that the cafe was about to close. His eyes were scanning inside the cafe from its glass front until he saw her. He sighed in relief and waited outside the cafe, planning to greet her when she got off of work.

What am I doing out here waiting for a stranger like a total fool?

It was quite amusing, the thing he was doing right now. The him from yesterday might have laughed at him and called him stupid but he doesn't mind it. Not at all.

I can be a fool if it's for you

Yes! Another update!
I'm sorry if anyone might find this chapter lacking in cuteness but I wanted to try making a story from Charioce's perspective. Well, I gave it my all and I really hope you enjoyed it! A shout out to my friend, winnie_dreaming for giving me the idea to write this with her quotes. 😊

P/S: Credits to my friend, angelsakana for the lovely fanart of our favourite couple. You can follow angelsakana on tumblr for more amazing fanart!

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