Be Strong, My Dear

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Today is a day full of sadness. A day to remember all the beautiful memories of one's loved ones. But the question is, how could you mourn and love someone you've never met before? How could you feel the pain of loss if you've never felt love before? It is an inexplicable feeling that could never be explained to those who've never experienced it before. At least that was how Rena felt.

Losing a mother is already a huge psychological burden but losing a mother in a natural disaster is something else entirely. It's a difficult thing to fathom especially when your mother died saving you. 

A sudden earthquake that killed 329 people was no one's fault and yet, Rena still carries this heavy feeling whenever she sees her daddy, Charioce holding her mom's picture with a faraway look. She can't help but keep blaming herself for this sorrowful black pit in her heart.

However, against all odds, he still kept smiling. Whether it was just a farce in order to not make her feel guilty or not, he still continued living like it was normal and she loves her daddy for that.

It was the tenth anniversary of the earthquake tragedy. Her mom's death anniversary. The city made it an official night to honour those who lost their loved ones by allowing the people to give flowers and light candles in the city center.

My daddy was acting normally that day. He was smiling. Although it's been ten years but this was the first time we were gonna celebrate my mother's anniversary like this. I don't know how to react. People pitied us. They look at me with sympathy. Something I've never asked for. Something I can only smile at.

Daddy bought her favourite flowers. The only ones he ever bought. Peonies. Bright-coloured ones.

The walk to the center was quite. Dad didn't even tried to start a stupid conversation about the weather like he usually does when he didn't know what to say. We just walked solemnly together. Taking comfort in each others' presence.

When we got there the center was already filled with lights and people. Everyone laid bouquets of flowers around the stone tomb that was erected to honour the lost souls in the earthquake so we did the same. Each of us lit up a candle and prayed for the ones we loved and lost. I somehow couldn't help myself and sneaked a glance at my dad. Then I froze. He was looking ahead, with tears and a smile. 

I've never seen my daddy cried before

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I've never seen my daddy cried before. Not like this.


We were walking uphill, back to our house, both of us not saying a word. Suddenly I had the urge to ask my dad the question that's been eating away inside her.

"Dad....why do you keep smiling everyday even after mom died. Isn't it painful? Aren't you mad?"

"Mad about what?"

"Mad because you had to save me instead of mom...."

".....why do you think I would be mad?"

"B-because you loved mom soo much....right?"

"Of course I do and I love  you too. Besides, even if I could reverse time, I would do the same thing all over again."


"I know you probably won't believe me when I say this but if our situations were reversed and I was the one who died, then your mom will continue living her life exactly like this. Happy and still laughing."

"B-but why? Aren't you sad when someone you loved dies?"

"Yeah, it is sad.........but we can't keep wallowing in it. Of course I lost something but I didn't lose everything. I still have you."

Dad looked at me with a face I'm very familiar with. A face full of love.

I couldn't help but cry all the tears I've been holding back all this time. I didn't wanted to cry because I wanted to make dad feel at ease. I didn't wanted to cry because I felt I had no right to since dad suffered more than me. I still have my dad and I know he loves me so much but when tears threaten to fall, You couldn't help but let them. 

We stopped walking and dad let me cry my heart out. Then, he patted me on the head and said,

"Keep going, no matter what."

In that instant I could hear a faint voice being carried by the wind

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In that instant I could hear a faint voice being carried by the wind. A strangely familiar one. I couldn't help but think it was my mom. It made me look up at the sky with my snot-covered face and smile. A genuine smile.

Be strong, my dear.

Hello fellow readers!!!

I greatly apologize for the delay and how this chapter isn't the fluffy cuteness I promised!

I thought I wanted to do something a little bit sad for a change and this chapter was born. However it is, I hope you've enjoyed it!

P/S: The pic is from the manga Aruito by Nanaji Nagamu

Have a nice day everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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