1. First day of school

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It was his first day of school, having just moved to his new neighborhood he didn't have friends or anything at that, he is very quiet and shy when put in new situations in which he doesn't feel comfortable. In fact he hated the feeling of being the "new" kid. He and his mom walked into the school and into the counseling office and greeted a perky lady with short hair and glasses, and who is this? She asked with a smile on her face, "I'm Jackson" he replied with a low toned voice. She just so happened to notice he was shy as he was avoiding eye contact the entire conversation. He was taken into a room around the corner so he could get his schedule and he could be on his way. His mom asked a series of questions while waiting like, are you nervous? Are you excited? Are you going to try to make friends? All of which he answered with typical answers. He got his schedule and said his farewells to his mom, his counselor who was generous enough to show him around d gave him a tour of the school, it was lunch at this point and he could just feel all the eyes watching him. He told himself he doesn't have to be the new kid for long to just make it to the weekend. After the tour he was followed with the question "so do you want to go eat or are you going to your next class?" He couldn't wait to just go find a seat in his next class. I'll just go to my next class he said with a shaky yet soft voice. Of course it being his first day he was lost but, he managed to find his class, E4 read the little words on the plastic square outside the class. He walked in and already there were people in there eating. He was confused, they don't have this back at my old school he thought to himself as he found a seat at the back of the class handing his new math teacher his schedule. She write something on it and handed it back. He took his seat and waited for the bell. Five minutes later it rang and the once empty class slowly began filling with all these new faces. He wondered which ones he'd end up being friends with. He noticed this kid who obviously stood out from the rest. He was getting on everyone's nerves. Hunter! They yelled as the obnoxious kid was cause a mess as he walked to his seat. At this point Jackson was highly confused as to why they were yelling at him, he was just being himself he thought. Mrs. Erickson started class with a brief description of the class and then a quick three minute paper for everyone to do. After three minutes we moved on to a second paper that was always more challenging than the first. This paper usually took Jackson around twenty five minutes which wasn't that long after some of the other people. After the papers are in and Mrs. Erickson gets everyone's attention she says something but Jackson didn't pay attention he was just ready to get out of there, the bell rang and he heads to fifth period, science with Pinkstaff he didn't know what to expect by the sound of the name. He could only imagine what his teacher would look like, he got to class and handed his teacher his schedule and found his seat, once again he thought to himself another class introduction. Half an hour passes before Mr. Pinkstaff finishes, at this point they're moving on to a worksheet followed by discussing the answer with your group mates, Jackson hoped they didn't talk to him and he even avoid eye contact just so he try to spare the awkwardness of the conversation that eventually led to "so what did you write?" A girl from across the table asked him. He look at his paper nervously and said what he wrote down. Shortly after they finish with their discussion Pinkstaff interrupts and starts asking the groups what ideas they came up. Everyone says what they have and the bell rings, sixth period was finally here he thought to himself as he walked into A hall trying to find Ms. So's class. He walks in her classroom and hands her his schedule she told him he sits in the chair closest to her desk, he nodded and took his seat. He scanned the room to see if he recognized anyone from previous classes he saw her sitting in the middle isle of the class. He loomed over at her admiringly, he instantly adored her. But he didn't know her at all and had only saw her once before. After sixth period the bell rang for school to let out Jackson couldn't wait to leave he was done with that school already. Jackson exited thought the front door and walked outside noticing the small girl walking down the sidewalk to his right. He walked over to a very excited mom who was waiting for him by the truck that had came to pick him up instead of him getting on the bus his first day. They asked questions like how was your first day? And did you make any new friends? And even do you like your new school? It was okay, no not yet, yea it's okay so far he answered politely.

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