2. Emerald

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A few months have passed since his first day of school, he has friends now. His friends we're always there for him and accepted him, that's all he looked forward to when he went to school. Erik was his main friend at this point, but there was something that was always bugging Erik, Emily. Emily was Erik's crush and he couldn't seem to get over her, Erik was smart though and always asked Jackson for advice as much as he could. Jackson found Erik walking in the hall, "Hey what's wrong you look sad?" Jackson asked. It's Emily, "I can't get her off my mind", Erik was already getting teary eyed at this point, they continued to walk and Jackson listened to every word. They reached the end of the hall and the two hear a shout, it was Erik's friend Tyler. Tyler was explaining to Erik that Emerald was gonna fight Emily, Erik looked over at Jackson "lets go find her."He said sternly and the group set off, they found Emerald in G hall and she did in fact look pretty angered. Just as Tyler pointed out she was on her way to find Emily, they boys were concerned and were asking questions until someone had said something about Emerald being a kick boxer, Jackson was in love at this point and was frankly quite star struck that she was a kick boxer. They saw her, the devil herself in the form of a high school girl. Emerald had noticed that Emily's dad was there in the attendance office who just so happen to be a school resource officer. This didn't stop Emerald, though what did is the fact that Emily was hiding and was showing signs of not coming out. Growing frustrated they leave, still worrying over their friend Erik. A month passes and Jackson and Emily become great friends over their many similarities and mutual hate for Emily. Although Jackson was quite surprised he was crushing on the girl he'd least expected, she was his life and she had no clue. A week goes by and Jackson over hears two girls talking he notices one is Emily, he hears her say "I'm not the one who likes him emerald does." He'd assumed they were talking about him so later that day he confesses his love for Emerald. She was very excited to hear this news and asks"so you've probably noticed my crush on you?" He replies with "no I'm a blonde I don't catch those kinds of things." He finally got the courage to ask her out, he was nervous about what she might say. "Yes." She answers. He was so excited at this he did a celebratory little dance. His mom sees him acting a fool and says "what's gotten into you?" "Nothing don't worry about it." He says with a smile on his face looking down at his cell phone screen. He couldn't wait to go to school the next day. He went to bed that night happier than ever. The next morning his alarm goes off and he gets ready for school and the wait for the bus, he starts with a shower followed by brushing his teeth, putting on his shoes and socks, then getting his jacket and backpack to go wait for the bus. He turns on his headphones and blasts his music, this was his escape from reality. He arrives at school and walks through the front doors walking down the hallway starting his laps around school like he always did he continues to listen to his music ignoring everyone, he hates people so much but he could read them so well. He found it fun to do this and would often see what people we're like, until he got close to her, he felt her presence as it were like a siren going off in his head telling him she was near. He rounded the corner and there she was talking to Erik, he smiled as he saw her she looked a little shy as she started to blush. He walked up and greeted them, he was a little nervous for the first couple of days of them dating. Little did he know it would go on forever it seemed like, one day he wasn't feeling too good, he was suffering from depression and it wasn't showing any mercy on him cause he didn't feel like living anymore. He didn't want to feel anymore cause when his depression hit it went backwards, he felt everything but as if it we're intensified. He felt like crying but managed to hold back his tears he picked up his phone opened instagram and started to type to emerald, "I think I'm gonna go I don't feel like talking it hurts.. This feeling is only getting worse I feel like, but I all I know is I can't do anything without feeling like shit, I don't even wanna be here right now. I hate feeling like this cause it only makes me feel like shutting everyone out... I'm so sorry babe." Was the last thing he said as he waited for her response his eyes got teary he knew this would happen. She replied with "
Don't be sorry. And if you need anyone to talk to you know I'm always here. I hate seeing you like this and hope you feel better soon. I just want you to be able to smile like you always did. And one day I hope to help you get back to that point. Your so amazing and I love you so much. Goodnight sleep well and I'll talk to you later." He knew she was worried for him cause she always was when he felt like this, if only he could take it away and toss it in the trash he would...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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