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One hot and sunny day the day before my high school graduation me and my best friend Leah were at the mall.

"You know what-we should go to forever young" stated Leah.
"They have some real good deals ya know, 50% off on shoes ain't bad".

I laughed but agreed. We had just got done eating an was walking around the crowded place.

A bunch of beautiful things caught my eye but, I knew I didn't have enough to buy all of them.

It's not that I'm poor but my parents are really stingy with money and are really strict on me and what I do.

"Yh but, I'm not getting a lot of things just a few" I said.

We entered the store and there were a lot of girls. Leah she loooves shopping and she loves girls too but, she's also likes guys so she's bi.

But let her tell it she preferably prefers boys because of the long cocks but, it's whatever.

Leah is sooo crazy if you can't tell but, she loves me for me. We became best friends like four years ago.

She is really pretty with dark brown  hair. Big brown eyes and she's thick for days but, a shortie. She also has clear dark brown skin.

"Ooo look Jazzell that naked pink crop too you've been seeing it's a sign from god" she said while hip bumping me.

I smile at her but keep my head down. She sees me and her bff telepathy tells her i don't have the money now.

"Don't worry love bug, I'll pay", My head pops up in excitement and a extra huge smile on my face is with it.

We buy some things  and decide to go home and get ready for our big day tomorrow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~in the car~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So are you ready for tomorrow" I ask
"Eeeghh im ready for the after party"
I laugh and nod "RIGHT we're gonna be LITT and maybe get some dick" I joke.

All throughout the car ride we laugh and joke. Leah drops me off and when I get home I see something unexpected.

"Hi mom" I say closing the door behind me. "Hai sweetie how was your day" she says from the kitchen.

I go find my mother and ask her an question. "Good but..um Ma why's Avery's window open". My mom who was fixing my little sisters lunch stopped and gasped.

"What do you mean" she says running out he kitchen. I follow her up the stairs and into my older brothers room only to find an open window that leads to trouble.

Avery is my 18 year old brother. He is my moms first born and he is A bad ass.

Me and him don't have the same father because when my mom had him his father left and lived his life.

My moms husband Rodger which is me and little sisters dad raised him at A very young age to replace that father spot.

Avery is just to spoiled and hard headed to appreciate that he does have A father figure in his life. So at the age 14 that's when he turned savage.

From there on out he's just been disobedient and angry. My dad hasn't  been home for the last few days because the last time he was, him and Avery fought physically.

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