Chapter 33: Reunion

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Clank clank.

The chains that neatly immobilized Joshua, Rick, and Emma drowned the noise of their footsteps as the mastermind lead them towards their cells. The corridor was surprisingly uncluttered and the tiles were pristine white. But one thing that's so different about it is that it's surrounded by glass from three sides. The second floor and the floors on top of it could easily be seen. Even the people on the upper floors could clearly be seen even though the group was walking on the first floor.

"Admiring my lair, are we?" The mastermind snickered as he tightly pulled the chains. "Oh, and I just found out, Joshua is your leader, right?" He continued, pointing a finger at him.

Rick and Emma didn't utter another word, instead, they avoided the mastermind's gaze and just stared at the ground. Joshua, seeing their reaction, followed their lead as he began looking at the floor as well.

Our luck has run out. What do we do. It's not like the three of us could escape somewhere and even though we wanted to, the security in this place is just so high! Well, I hope we'll be locked in a cell with an electronic lock.  Joshua said to himself.

"You're probably wondering if I would put all of you in a cell with an electronic lock, Joshua. But believe me, I would be putting you in a different cell. In other words, I'll separate you from your friends here." He smirked as he gave an evil smile towards Joshua. "How's it? Pretty fun, right?!"

Rick and Emma nervously looked at him as the last strand of hope that they have was slashed down. They knew that Joshua's unlocker could only be used for electronic lock, but they didn't expect the mastermind to predict it.

No way?! Joshua was taken aback as a thought came to his mind. Did he just read my mind?!

Joshua knew that it might have been it. He finally accepted that he could read their minds but he didn't know how to prevent him. The mastermind would be able to know their plans right ahead if they think about it and it made Joshua bite his lip in worry.

A few moments later, Joshua was shoved into a room all by himself. He knew that it would really be a problem to the mastermind if he would be with Rick and Emma. However, the mastermind had predicted it already and that was why he was separated. From the spaces of the iron bars, Joshua could see Rick and Emma disappearing from his view.

What do I do? Joshua racked his brain as he tried to assess the situation. After all this time, I was just relying on Rick and Emma. Somehow, we were able to get this far. But I couldn't give up now! I need to do what I can all by myself.

What do I do?


Suddenly, the door unlocked and a familiar man entered the cell where Joshua was. 

"Unce Karl?" Joshua stammered as he looked at him.

Uncle Karl didn't respond to him. Instead, he walked straight to him while holding a knife on his hand. His eyes were clear, as if this was not his first time doing it; while Joshua, on the other hand, got up to his feet and assumed a fighting stance. Joshua realized Karl's prupose the moment he entered the cell.

He's probably planning to drive that thing into my stomach or something. Joshua grimly thought. I couldn't let that happen.

And now's my chance to escape!

Joshua focused his gaze towards Karl, trying to predict his movements.

But it was all in vain.

Uncle Karl suddenly disappeared right before his eyes and reappeared just inches from his body.

Unknown to Joshua, Uncle Karl didn't actually disappear from his range of sight. He just accelerated faster than his eyesight and crouched right in front of him. One moment, Karl was standing right in front of him, the next moment, he was crouching inches from Joshua while driving the knife straight to his shoulder using an overhead slash.


Blood began dripping from Joshua's shoulder as he writhed in pain while falling to the ground. For the first time in his life, he was stabbed by a knife and adding to that, he was beaten in speed by that same someone. He lay down on the ground while holding his bleeding shoulder. He knew that he should put pressure on the wound even thought the knife was still there.

"Aarghh!" Joshua exclaimed as his shoulder began to get more painful.

"Don't worry, it will heal soon." Karl smirked as he walked out of the room, double-checking that he locked it.



Rick and Emma were both surprised since they were unexpectedly separated from Joshua. Now that it had come to this, they began to realize how they were very reliant to each other no matter the obstacle they faced.

Being separated made them encounter a huge wall right in front of them- an obstacle likened to an immovable wall.

"Oh, really?" The mastermind suddenly smirked at them. "Well, I guess separating him has its own merits, right?"

Emma couldn't quite struggle anymore because the chains began to burden her down. Rick, on the other hand, was still trying to pry open their handcuffs, even though he knew that there's no use doing so.

After walking for a minute or two, they finally arrived at a huge metallic door at the end of the corridor. There, two guards stood in place while alertly looking around. They probably were assigned to guard whatever's behind the enormous door.

The mastermind nodded at the  two guards.

On his signal, the two guards clicked on the switch on two different sides of the door. Rick and Emma realized that they were unlocking the door for the mastermind. The sound of gears could be heard as the door slowly opened. 


A taser suddenly hit both Rick and Emma on the neck, making them faint at the very moment. Rick and Emma didn't even realized what hit them as they both fell in a lump. Once again, the mastermind signaled the guards.

"Throw them in." The mastermind said as he walked away from the scene.

The metallic door was fully opened by now, and it revealed a dark and eerie room. The two guards didn't even seem to mind the unusual darkness ad just continued on with their work. 

Pretty soon, the two guards already dragged Rick and Emma towards the room. The sounds of gears was heard once again as the metallic door slowly closed, leaving Rick and Emma inside the room, both unconscious because of the shock.

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