Raven Queen

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I'll always remember the day that changed my life. The day Raven Queen became my roommate.

I had heard stories of course, that she was rebelling, that maybe Raven Queen wasn't so happy with her destiny. Rumors of how nice she was, how pretty and friendly and intelligent she was. I ignored them as best I could, focusing my attention on making friends, keeping my grades up, and trying to get Daring to pay attention to our relationship.It was my first year of high school, and I figured I had plenty of time to deal with my destiny. I was naive, and I was so sure my destiny was guaranteed.

But my first year in high school passed, and the rumors didn't stop.

My second year of high school, Raven was an occasional passing thought, usually along the lines of, 'I like her outfit,' or 'There goes my nemesis!'. I didn't think about her often, because she never really approached me. The few times I tried to speak to her, she was always busy, she didn't hear me, or she shot me a smile and told me that we could talk later. She seemed so nervous around me, like I was the villain who she had to watch out for, but again, I tried to ignore it, and I moved on.

Then Headmaster Grimm called me to his office looking worried. Telling me Raven wasn't cooperating, that she wasn't embracing her destiny, that she didn't want to be Evil. And at first, I was in denial. I had seen her passing in the halls, even chatted with her a little, and while she didn't really seem malicious, I had assumed she was faking it. Being good for the sake of enjoying high school. But as I watched her more often, I began to see it. She was always laughing, always smiling, always being kind, excelling at her classes, being respectful to her teachers, presenting herself in a way the made her seem approachable, likable even. People seemed to like her naturally despite all the dark makeup,questionable wardrobe, and evil lineage. By then, I was freaking out. What would happen to me if Raven didn't want to be my villain? What would happen to Daring, and all seven of the dwarves, to my kingdom? Raven looked the part, with her dark clothing and pale skin and bright purple eyes. She had the powers, had the ancestors, so why was this so hard for her? Why couldn't she be the person she was meant to be? Headmaster Grimm didn't know either, and when he saw how determined I was to fix this problem, he told me he had an idea. That Raven Queen should move in with me.

The room adjustments were instantaneously, and while I was waiting for my room to be set up, I went to visit my mother. We got a bit carried away, and I found myself facing the room of my dorm in the middle of the night, a bit terrified for the year I had ahead of me. I, Apple White, had to convince Raven Queen to give in to her destiny. For the good of the kingdom, the good of my story, at least according to Headmaster Grimm. And so, for my kingdom, I took a breath, and walked in.

My side of the room had already been set up by the friendly movers my mother had hired, an exact replica of my old room, my clothes already in the closet, my books in the bookshelf. I breathed in relief, loving the familiarity and walked to my bed, throwing off my heels, pulling my hair loose and settling on my ridiculous amount of throw pillows, sighing in comfort and pulling a pillow to my chest. It was then I realized that someone else was in the room. I quickly turned my head, blushing heavily from embarrassment as my blue eyes met bright purple ones.

Raven Queen.

She was sitting on a soft plush chair with a dark blue guitar in her hands. Her hair was loose and in waves down her back, and she was wearing loose flannel and some shorts, her face devoid of makeup. She was looking at me in amusement, pushing her long hair away and putting the guitar down before waving at me shyly.

"Hey Apple." she said softly, and I put down my pillow and made my way over to her, a bit surprised at how different she seemed without the makeup, the jewelry. She had freckles, I noticed.

"Hey Raven." I smiled at her before taking a seat in front of her. "So... I guess we're roommates. Which is awesome, because it'll give us a chance to get to know each other." Raven nodded, smiling back at me, then frowning a bit.

"Apple, it's not that I don't want to be your roommate, but I don't really understand why we changed rooms all of a sudden. I thought we had the same roommates all fours years of high school." I felt a flash of guilt, knowing how much lying and manipulating I had in store.

"Yeah, I don't really no either. Headmaster Grimm said something along the lines of us being more prepared for our fairy tale...? I don't really know.  I'm fine with it though, Briar is an awesome friend, but was kind of a terrible roommate, she threw parties every week and they usually lasted till five in the morning. And people always wonder why she's so tired."

Raven threw her head back and laughed, exposing her pale collar bone, from under the dark flannel, and I found myself shivering, despite how warm the room was. She smiled at me again, and I was struck by how pretty she was. Soft eyes and sharp cheekbones, shaped lips and a petite nose with a sprinkle of freckles, bright purple eyes and soft long hair. I felt a pang of jealousy and an unfamiliar feeling at the pit of my stomach, before I pushed it away and got up, telling Raven I had to get ready for bed, but that I was super excited to have her as a roommate.

That was the beginning of the end of my fairy tale.

Raven Queen and Apple White (ever after high)Where stories live. Discover now