18th February 2016

4 1 0


1. I love you with all my heart

2. I wish you could understand me

3. I always wanted to be your like they say 'right hand' as in best companion, but I couldn't and am not.

4. I always wanted you to depend on me

5. I wish you could read this but only when I am gone

6. Never speak about any of this in front of me

7. Show it if you can though

8. I will always try my best to help you if you let me in, you will NEVER be replaced by anyone.

9. I wanted to always find you next to me in all sorts of situations, I think most of the time you weren't, when I needed you.

10. I wanted you to always know when I cry and ask me the reason, trust me you don't know when I cry, I wish you did though.


This is my first book, I hope you all like it. Please feel free to give in any comments and do vote and follow me if you like.


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