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Draco's P.O.V
      Shit. The Golden Trio was staring at me in shock as I sat down next to Harry. I had no idea why the hell I did that, but there was no turning back now. Granger stared at my cloaked figure for about a minute before she spoke.
    "You have two minutes, but then Harry needs his rest." She said setting back into her chair. I could have laughed, for such an academically inclined witch she could certainly be thick sometimes. I cannot believe she thought I actually wanted to see Harry!! As if!! I was unsure of what to do since I couldn't speak without revealing myself, so I just sat there in silence as Harry's eyes burned a hole through my cloak. It was obvious that he was interested by my appearance, but didn't want to say anything. So we just sat there in tense silence as I distracted myself by looking down at the treasured gloves on my hands.
     "Umm.....your time is up kid." Ron said cautiously after a few minutes of tense silence, I ignored him and continued to look at my gloves.
     "He is right, you should probably get back to your friends now." The mudblood stated looking up from her book, intrigued by my silence. I had no idea what to do, I couldn't leave but I most certainly couldn't speak either, so I continued to sit silently hunched over examining my gloves.
     "Hey! Did you hear me? I said you should go!" Weasel said, raising his voice as his patience wore thin. However I keep my vigil of silence and immobility as I sat perfectly still, Harry still staring at me.
     "Ron calm down!" Granger pleaded in a strained whisper, it was obvious he was losing his temper. I considered my options, deciding that I needed to leave, but had no where to go. When I didn't react to either Weasley or his girlfriend it was the last straw for Weasel.
     "Listen here little kid, if you think I am going to let some second year dis-" I cut him short by standing to my full height. The nerve of this idiot!! To mistake me as a common child!! A SECOND YEAR!! SERIOUSLY?!Needless to say I was pissed when I finally stood up.
     I raised my head high and stood to my full height, which was just above seven feet five inches. Yeah, I was tall. As I stood I had to bend my head to keep from hitting the ceiling. The stupid Weasel stopped short when he saw how tall I really was. I towered over the small Weasley, who was just barely six feet, and he looked liked he was about to piss himself. Granger shrieked and Potter jumped up with his wand in hand, obliviously they both expected me to attack, but I did no such thing, instead I decided to flee.
     I dashed down the train corridor in search for a place to hide. I could hear whispers coming from open compartments and it made my heart ache. I hated being seen, I was already freakishly tall which drew enough attention without scars. As I ran into the bathroom at the end of the corridor I could feel the tears threatening to spill.

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