Back To Hogwarts

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Draco's P.O.V
Shit! Shit! SHIT!!! What was I thinking?!? I can't believe I actually let Potter touch my scars!!! I am so stupid, he is going to figure out that it was me and then I will be outed to the entire school!!! I raced out of the train and into the carriages that awaited the new students. Thankfully I was able to get an empty carriage, although I practically had to fold myself into a pretzel to fit in the carriage. The war had left me with more than just scars, but height as well. I had been tall before the war, but for some strange reason getting hit with a thousand spells with in the first hour of the war made me grow, a lot. I determined that I gained at least a quarter inch every day.
It is truly an odd situation to find yourself out growing all your cloths within two weeks, it was quite a nuisance. And it added onto my problem of being stared at, it is hard to blend into a crowd when you stand 2 feet above the crowd. How in the name of Merlin was I to make this work? Before I had time to contemplate the question that loomed above my head, the carriage stopped. I reluctantly got out of the carriage and adjusted the hood on my robes, before heading towards the castle. I got no further than two steps before the whispering and staring began, I pulled the large robes tighter around myself before plowing ahead to brave the crowd of students.
As I made my way towards the castle, the staring and pointing increased and I could feel the beginnings of a panic attack to come on. My heart raced and my hands shook as I continued to walk forward, but before the attack got any worse I was saved by the arrival of someone who drew more attention than a mysterious kid that was over seven feet tall, and dressed in all black robes that covered his entire being .
Harry Potter.
"OMFG ITS HARRY POTTER!!" A third year girl screamed as the Golden Trio stepped out of their carriage. The second they got out they were swarmed with people, saving me from the whispers and pointed stared if others. For the second time in my life I was saved by Potter, first in the Room of Requirement and now at the gates of Hogwarts. Taking my chance to get away I practically ran into the school, oblivious to the yelling directed at me.

Harry's P.O.V
"WAIT!!" I yelled after the figure as he bolted away. After I had recovered from my shock on the train I had tried to find him but he was already gone. During the carriage ride I told Ron and Hermoine what I had deduced about the mysterious figure, he was very tall, he was hiding lots of scars, he didn't like to talk, he was indeed a male based off his voice, and his skin is as soft as a cloud. I left out that last part to avoid suspicion, I had already decided I was gay after dating Ginny and discovering that I didn't view women in a romantic way, but I hadn't come out to my friends yet.
Hermoine said that he might be a new teacher because of his height, but I think otherwise because of how young and slightly feminine his voice sounded. When we arrived at the castle I was immediately swarmed by people. Yet I was able to catch a glimpse of the figure, standing at least a foot above everyone else, I called to him but he just ran. Great. How am I supposed to find him without him running off again?

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