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Summary: Dan is awoken by his fear of storms and Phil comforts him but than Dan runs away.

Warnings/Trigger Warnings- None

This is my first one so I hope you guys enjoy! This is just mainly fluff!

Dan's P.O.V.

It felt so real but deep down I knew it wasn't. I knew that it was too good to be true. After I realized that I  knew that I was dreaming but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. It just made me want to cherish the moment even more. I was dreaming that Phil and I were sitting under our favorite tree at the park. We were holding hands and laughing. I leaned against his shoulder and he kissed my forehead while giggling. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I looked up into his soft blue eyes that you could get lost in and I did. He looked into my brown eyes and smiled. We both leaned in closer and closer.

But before any thing could happen there was a loud boom that shook the ground. Phil and I fell backwards. I sat up and everything seemed to get darker. The air was getting foggy, the sky was black, the grass was dying, and the tree we were under looked dead. I looked at Phil. He even looked different. His eyes weren't bright but they were dull. He wasn't smiling but had a frown. His clothes were all black. He got up and looked at me.

"Phil?" I whispered.

"I hate you!" Phil shouted. I was surprised. This was not Phil. He never shouted or said such mean things.

"What?" I said.

"Get out of my life, Dan! I don't need you! You're just a burden!" Phil shouted. Those words broke my heart in half. I felt tears spring to my eyes. I held them back though. I watched as Phil started to walk away.

"Phil, please I need you! Don't leave! Please!" I shouted. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I was speaking the truth. I needed him. I watched as he went out of sight. I looked at the ground and that was the last thing I remembered before there was another bang.

I shot up in my bed. Sweat and tears streaming down my face. I looked around and realized it was all a dream. How could such a good dream become so horrible. My thoughts were interrupted by a bang outside my window. I jumped up and fell off my bed. I than heard rain start pouring against my window. I quickly got in my bed and pulled the blankets over my head.

I hated storms. I acted like a baby during them. I don't know why but they scare me. So I was currently under the blankets silently sobbing. Every time I heard thunder I jumped and started sobbing more. Every time I saw a flash of lighting I would tighten the blanket around me. I needed comfort. I sighed.

Hopefully I wouldn't wake Phil up. I didn't want to be a burden. That reminded me of my dream. Was what Phil said in my dream about me true? Did he hate me? Was I a burden? I know he didn't need me but I need him. I started sobbing a bit more just thinking about it but than another bang of thunder came and I squealed. My sobbing became louder.

I suddenly heard a door open. I stopped sobbing slightly and looked up. It wasn't my door. It must of been Phil's. Did I wake him up? I tried my hardest to not make a noise. I heard a slight knock at my door.

"Dan?" Came Phil's voice. I froze. Another bang of thunder came but to keep me from making a noise I bit down on my lip. I started to taste the bitterness of blood. I ignored it. I heard my doorknob move and my door start to open. I quickly layed down in my bed and pretended to sleep.

"Dan?" Phil said again. I stayed silent and still but of course a huge bang of thunder had to ruin that. It was the loudest I've heard tonight. I screamed and pulled the covers over my head and started sobbing again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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