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   I look at her like she put the stars in the sky...she doesn't seem to notice I exist. 

Alyx's POV

I always seem to find myself in this haze every time before we go out to a party at Ricky's. I don't know what it is...maybe it's the idea of being surrounded by drunken idiots, maybe it's the thought that I have to always act like I'm having a good time, or maybe it's the thought that my best friend always puts on those black jeans that hug her ass in all the right ways and I can't do a single thing about it. Upon further inspection, it's probably a mix of all three of those... but mainly the last one, THAT'S the one that's currently ruining my entire stream of consciousness. I turn over on my bed and look over as the one and only Jenn McAllister raids my closet for a shirt to complete her look with.

"Is this mine? I've been looking for this forever!" Jenn says, holding up a t-shirt while giving me a look that I can only describe as the most adorable face I've ever seen in my life.

"No, it's mine. I think you're mistaking the fact that you literally steal all of my clothes in the first place" I say with a laugh while getting up and walking over towards her. I take the shirt and hold it up against her chest and smile lightly. "It does kind of look better on you anyways though, you should wear it tonight" I say while handing her the shirt and smiling.

"I think I will, but only because you said I looked better than you and that's hard to do" Jenn says while sticking her tongue out.

Seconds later she rips off her shirt to change and I get a look at her body which I've seen a hundred times but this time all I can think about is how badly I want to run my fingers down her torso. I can feel myself staring at her a bit too long but I don't think she even notices. She never does. I look at her like she put all the stars in the damn sky and she doesn't even seem to notice I exist. 

I flop back on the bed and shut my eyes for a second, waiting for Jenn to put the finishing touches on her makeup. She always looks so good whenever we go out, she makes it so hard to hate waiting so long for her. Especially when the outcome is amazing. She's one of the most beautiful people I think I've ever laid my eyes on. 

I'm so caught up in my thoughts when all of a sudden I feel pressure on top of me. I shoot open my eyes and Jenn is straddling my waist and shakes my shoulders. 

"Are you ready to go!" She yells in that adorable little yell. I forget to respond because I'm so caught up thinking about her legs straddling me and all that could possibly lead to in another life. 

"Alyx?" Jenn says while giving me a look of confusion. 

"Sorry! Sorry! Yeah let's fucking rage!" I say while prompting her to get off me as quickly as possible. I must look red as a beet. She smiles at me and shakes her head, turning towards the door. 

"Okay after that weird little display I'm cutting you off after 2 drinks, can't have you being more out of it than you already are" Jenn says while smirking at me and I roll my eyes back at her playfully. Internally... I'm screaming. 

The one time she notices my staring had to be this one...of course. 

I'm so fucking fucked. 

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